Chapter 4: Won Won!

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*Opens notifications*

"Monday! Friday! Wednesday! Sunday! Screw you idc!"

*Panics because I can't choose*

*Forgets about it until today*

"Damn it. Well, guess it's Friday then."

That's how my choice was made. I'm sorry. I have failed you. But please enjoy the chapter!








Is there a reason you're bothering me in the middle of class Ginny?

I'm bored! 

What am I supposed to do?

You wanna go for a walk?

I'm in the middle of class.

So am I. 

I don't know Gin.

Oh come on Harry. No one's gonna miss you.



Fine I'll meet you in front of the Great hall in 5 minutes. 

Thanks Harry. You're the best!

You owe me. 

I smiled to myself as I discreetly ran out the damn class room. It was killing me. It was so boring. I would've asked Hermione but firstly she wouldn't cut class and second, how the bloody hell am I supposed to communicate with her? Jeez, life just couldn't give me a break.


Are you almost here?

Yeah relax geez. 


I saw Harry coming down the hall way.

Wanna go to Hogsmeade? I asked unsure of his response. 


I smiled as I started walking out of Hogwarts and he joined me. The wind started to definitely pick up as I tightened my light jacket around me.

"So why were you so incredibly bored?" he asked. 

"School sucks."

"Tell me about it. But at least you're not in your fifth year. That's really difficult."

"Well I suppose so but Professor McGonagall has been talking to me about moving up a year."

"Really?" he asked in surprise. I tried to look really offended. 

"I'm not that stupid Harry."

"No I know it's just than you'll be in all of my classes, all of our classes. Won't that be strange?"

"Not unless Ron tries more creepy ways to stalk Hermione." I said laughing at the memory. 

"You know what the weird thing is though?" I asked him.


"I can't seem to remember anything before I woke up that day with that weird dream."

"I know. I can't remember my anything either. Like my 11th birthday. I don't remember a single minute of that day. I guess it was just a really long time ago."

It Just Takes Time (Book 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt