Chapter 15

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OK, so I thought it would be great to focus on some of the other characters please let me know what you think! Please Vote and Comment!This was so hard.I'd like to dedicate my chapter to CutiePie- because she's the first person to actually tell me they like the story so thank you for being awesome! Enjoy! And thank you to the people who even bother to read the story.

Copyright © -ALL RIGHTS RESEREVED 2013

Saskia :-)


Artemis's POV:

There were no words to explain my suffering and torment, to see someone you care about cease to exist before your eyes.There was nothing I could do to forebear it, Drina's gone and it's all due to my accountability. I was chained and I felt completely helpless, but I still think that I could've saved her.

My arms had been numb due to the adrenaline that had coursed through my veins, I have only just noticed that the chains had left gigantic indents.I had struggled so much that blood was cascading down my arms.

I felt so incredibly week, I was in a mental and physical void, unable to return.

The poison was still in my system, the hallucinations were coming back, everything was so surreal and bizarre, I couldn't focus on anything, the only colours that danced around my vision were angry reds and bottomless blacks.

 It felt as though there was a bass drum inside my head, violently trying to escape my skull.Dizziness was overwhelming me.

Tobin had left a while ago, probably to leave me to die alone,I could feel myself slowly inching closer to my death, slowly fading into the abyss.

Eden's POV:

 I felt so terrified and alone,I didn't even have Artemis with me anymore, I heard her ear-shattering screams before, now it was so silent, I expected the worst.

 I miss my Mum, I miss Dad, Arty and I even miss Sam, just a little, a very small fraction.My brother is so weird, he likes....well I'm not sure who he likes anymore, but my snooping into his conversations finally paid off, I now know at least he likes more than one person.That could just be typical of him, he always likes more than one girl,but there was something in his voice, something that I rarely ever heard, seriousness.

Come to think of it,my little ears didn't pick up the whole conversation,I didn't even know who he was talking about.

I was dragged into a dimly lit room and strapped to a creaky,agonizingly uncomfortable chair.

An enormous man,with yellow and black teeth came closer to my face,his breath smelled like rotten food.

"Behave little girl and you won't be harmed.........well as much as we want to"

I spat in his slimy,horrible face.

He returned this with a slap,my left cheek stung, tears fell down my face.

"Manners just like your sisters, but the difference is,she put up more of a fight,your just a pathetic weakling,always in dire need of someone look after and protect you"

"My Mummy and Daddy will come,and they'll beat you up" I smiled,cheekily.

He slapped my other cheek,I started sobbing.He laughed,evilly at this.

"Oh, your Mother already came to get you, she was killed before you could say deceased" He laughed,wickedly.

He reached out for me, except, before he had the chance to do anything, I let out a huge wolf howl,one that I knew the pack would'nt hear me, but I sent a message to be passed on to them.

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