Chapter 8

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 Copyright © -ALL RIGHTS RESEREVED 2013

My whole world froze, I didn't know anything about my Dad, and he was completely out of the picture my whole life. Mum never talked about him even when I asked she would just say "It's better not to know about it." and she would just leave it at that, I never asked after that because I could tell it would destroy her talking about it, so for all I know this man could be my Dad, but I'm not that trusting.

"Prove it." Were the only words that would release themselves from my lips.

"Well you believe that your name is Artemis Williams but that is what your mother changed your name to in case certain people decided to come looking for you, but I will explain who shortly, your name is Artemis but your surname is Cladestine"

"Okay I'm listening"

"I am Wyatt Cladestine, your mother Riadne Cladestine" He opened the draw in his desk and handed a piece of paper to me, it was a birth certificate, my birth certificate.

My Mum's name was there and so was his but something didn't make sense. "OK It's believable but you’re a wolf and I'm not, so why aren't I?"


"Your Mother was a siren and the siren blood in your veins is more potent, but you still have certain gifts from me such as remarkable speed and strength but you are not able to transform into a Werewolf" So I'm a siren I guess that explains what happened with the bartender back at the bar and all those other times I used the power, and why Mr creep was so drawn to me.

"You look so much like you mother with those dazzling, unusual eyes, both blue and grey but you have my hair, your Mother would've been so delighted to see what a beauty you turned out to be" I couldn't help it warmth flooded to my cheeks.

"So why did you leave my Mum?"

"I didn't I loved her very much, before she met me she was head over heels for my brother Tobin but he became abusive towards her so she left him and literally ran into my arms, a couple of months later we were married, Tobin find out and he wasn't best pleased, I think he was still infatuated with her despite how he treated her, he swore to take revenge on me by destroying the children we had together. A year later you were born." He smiled at the distant memory tears glistening in his eyes. "You were so tiny and you had this special smile reserved only for me, but word got to Tobin so your mother fled with you to keep you safe, she did a great job but she couldn't protect herself, I'm sorry you had to be the one to find her, I have scoured the very corners of the world for the past four years so I could keep you safe."

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