Chapter Forty

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"Welcome to Hertfordshire" Darren smiles. He moves round to the boot and starts to unload the suitcases and JJs Pram.

"Jamie chose wisely" I smile. I help Darren pull the suitcases out and I hear Jamie moving in the car.

"Cmon little man" Jamie pulls JJs seat out and looks at me.

"Like it?" He asks. I nod and tilt my head. He looks gorgeous. I love him in Daddy mode.

I thank Darren and he nods before getting into his car and driving off. I notice a car already in the driveway. I frown and follow Jamie up the footpath that leads to the front door.

"Our new home" He smiles. He pulls the handle down and walks in. Whys it already open?

"Welcome home!" A group of people emerge in the living room. Its Jamies family. What a lovely thing to walk in to!

"Hello son." Jim says. He pulls Jamie in for a hug and swats the back of his head gently.

"Dont ever panic me or Dakota like you did again. Understand?" I smile and Jamie rolls his eyes.

"Good to see you Dakota" Jim kisses both my cheeks and I smile

"You too! The house is gorgeous." I look around. The decor has already been done and there's furniture.

"Jamie? Did you do all of this?" I whisper. He pulls JJ out of the carseat and up to his chest. He nods and smiles.

"I do listen when you ramble on about wall paper and bedrooms" he winks and slowly passes JJ to Jim.

"I love you" I take his hand into mine and pull him close

"I love you too." He grins. I lean up and meet his lips. He kisses back and bites my bottom lip a little. Can never tire of playful Jamie.

"Later." He mutter. He pulls away and quickly walks off into the kitchen. I smirk knowing full well why. Dirty bugger.

"Hey! Long time no see!" Liesa pulls me into a hug.

"Hey!" I giggle and hug her back.

"So hows JJ been? I cant believe how big he is already" We both look over at Jim, Samina and JJ.

"Hes good, he's really calm." I look back at Liesa

"He reminds me of Jamie so much. He has the same eyes. Definitely has your nose." Liesa looks back at me "you know, ive never thanked you for making my brother happy again. Honestly you do alot for him and without you I know he would be lost." Liesa smiles and I cant help but think of how Jamie used to be. I didnt know him when he was younger and I know he went through some dark stages. Id hate to ever see that side of him.

"You dont have to thank me. He makes me happy.. really happy. He is my world, along with JJ and the girls." I reply. Liesa nods and drinks from her glass.

"You settle him. Calm him down. Its lovely to see." Liesa tells me. I nod and watch As Jamie comes back into the lounge and starts up a conversation with Jessica.

My mind is on fire. Did Amelia not calm him down? Was he complicated when with Amelia? I feel he probably wasn't. He didnt have to worry about when he would next see the girls. I frown a little at the thoughts.

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