Chapter Twenty One

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Jamies POV
I wake and look at the beautiful lady lay next to me. Her hair is slightly over her face, covering half of her face. I grab my phone and take a picture. Dakota looks beautiful awake and even more beautiful asleep. Her lips curl into a smile.

"You even took a picture" Her eyes open and she looks up at me

"I needed to act quick, i wanted to remember that moment." I lean down and kiss her lips. She kisses back and nudges her nose against mine. Thats our little thing.

"So whats on todays list?" She asks and she rubs her eyes. She blinks and reconnects her eyes to mine.

"Well, we could go on a walk or even go on a horse ride, I know the man down the village who has a farm. His horses are beautiful." She grabs my hands and starts to play with my fingers.

"That sounds lovely. We could even have a race!" She chuckles and pulls the duvet up more so it just covers her chin.

"I am quite a smart and loving man aren't I?" I scrunch my nose up and she flicks my cheeks.

"Jamie, did you mean all you said last night?" She asks. I frown and look at her.

"What did I say?" I raise one eyebrow and try to remember.

"Oh... it doesnt matter then" She lets go of my hand and just stares at me. She looks confused, upset. More disappointed.

"Just tell me what I said and Ill tell you whether I meant it or not" I shrug and prick myself up so im leaning my cheek on my fist.

"You want another child... well a first child with me." Her voice is muffled a little as she says it through the duvet. I feel my lips curl into a smile.

"Well, Yeah I do want another child and I want that to be with you. Ive always wanted a big family." I move my hand over to her face and. Slowly brush my fingers against her skin. She grabs my arm and pulls me down so Imcloser to her.

"Its to soon though right?" She questions. Her eyebrows are furrowed.

"I guess. Baby, we will take it slow okay? We have all the time in the world for kids and other commitments" I kiss her head and she pushes me back. Again!

"Other commitments?" She raises her eyebrow

"Well, one day Id like for you to be.. you know Mrs Dakota Dornan or Mrs Dakota Johnson Dornan. Whichever you would want" I feel nervous. Its something I'd want.

This lady lay infront of me in my clothes means the world to me. She makes me smile when I dont want too. She makes me laugh when I feel I cant. She makes me want to be an even better man than what I already am.

"You'd want to marry me?"she grins and bites her lip. I nod and she scrunches her nose up and crinkles appear by her eyes.

"You'd look quite dashing in a suit and all dressed up." She finishes. I shake my head, shes already seen me dressed up. Maybe thats a dig at my awful fashion choices.

"You'd look absolutely stunning in a wedding gown, lucky for me Ive already seen you in one" I wink and think back to the day we were filming for Fifty Shades Freed.

Dakota came out in the big white gown and I couldnt keep my eyes off of her. She looked like a princess. Her eyes were mesmerising. More than usual. She was breathtaking. She still is. She could pull off wearing a bin bag.

"That was a good day" She giggles and closes her eyes again. I lean over and start to kiss all over her face.

Dakotas POV
I close my eyes for a split second and the next thing I know. Im covered with wet sloppy kisses.

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