She stopped dead in her tracks. She turned and walked up to him again.

"I didn't lie Castle!" She took her voice down a few notches, "I have never lied to you-"

"Well aren't you a hypocrite." He interrupted.

"I've never lied to you. Not about anything like this, nothing this big of importance," she looked down with tears rimming her eyes, "it hurts. You know," she choked out, "It hurts for you to think that little of me, to think I would stoop that low. That I would fuck another man. Why would I do it? What 'logical' reasoning would be behind it? Huh?"

"That you're a slut? I don't know." He took no time with his response.

Kate's breathe was taken from her as the shock choked her. She felt her body getting ready to collapse, and her heart begin to crumple. How could this man, the one she thought she would spend the rest of her life with, be this awful to her while under the influence? She didn't want to stick around to figure out what else he had to say before she turned and walked out the door, before the tears that were threatening her eyes, began to spill.

She went to her apartment and let her emotions pool over in a flood of pain, confusion, and anger. She didn't bother changing into sleeping clothes, all she did was take off her shoes, her mother's ring, and her father's watch, before she threw herself onto her comforter, with her phone, badge and gun, somewhere thrown on the floor.

She didn't know how to handle these feelings, and she wasn't up for dealing with them tonight. So she closed her eyes, suppressing her cries, while he tears silently spilled down her cheeks.

As the sun flooded her bedroom windows Kate peeled open her heavy, read eyes. She rubbed her wrist across both of them and sat up, letting her feet dangle over the side over the bed.

She almost forgot why she woke up alone in her apartment instead in the arms of Castle. But then she remembered. It only made the anger return. And the hurt. She needed to do something to distract herself. Beckett brushed her hair back and into a bun before she stood and padded into her kitchen. She started her coffee pot, and reached for a glass. She stopped inches before she reached the handle of the mug and turned toward the knock that had jut sounded at her door.

It couldn't be more than 6:00 in the morning. So then who the hell was at her door at 6:00 in the morning?

She quietly tiptoed over and peered through the peephole. She almost gagged as she saw the sight of Castle. She didn't want to talk at him,  or even be in the same room as him.

But she opened the door anyways.

"What do you want Castle?" She said coldly, restraining herself from slamming the door in his face.

"Can we talk?" He said, trying to manage a smile. Kate took a moment to look him over. He was obviously wearing the same clothes as last night, as was she, yet under his eyes a darker color dominated his once colorful blue ones. They just reflected a dark grey. And there was a slight irritated red patch of skin on his left cheek where she had struck him. She couldn't tell if it was anger or guilt. It better not be anger. What right did he have to be angry at her, other than the broken glass, and the slap, oh right none.

"Kate?" He tried, using as soft of a voice as he could muster, battling the dryness in the back of his throat.

"Why are you here?" She handled him with no emotion.

Caskett: Never Ending LoveWhere stories live. Discover now