Chapter 24

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Sorry I have not updated in a while, I was unsure how to continue from where I left off but I think I got it now. Hope you enjoy!


He pressed himself against the concrete wall, hoping that the cops wouldn't follow him down the alleyway. Luckily, they rushed past its entrance, calling for backup using their radios.

Sighing with relief, he hunched over and placed his hands on his knees as he panted. He hadn't expected to run so much on this mission. In hindsight, his role didn't require all that much physical work, but here he was, out of breath.

"Mini, you still with us?" He heard Wildcat's voice through his ear piece, filling him with hope.

Pressing two fingers against the device in his ear, he began to speak. "Yeah, I'm here. Nearly got caught, but I'm here."

"That's what you get for pulling a rookie move like that." Vanoss hissed into his ear, gunshots being heard in the background. "Just circle around and get to the van." He ordered before his line went dead.

"You heard him, move!" Moo barked just as gunshots sounded behind him.

He darted up the fire escape, somehow not noticing it earlier.

Once he was on the room, he stealthily creeped around, jumping from building to building until he was almost directly next to the vehicle. He sped down the fire escape on the side.

Reaching the bottom, he pulled out his handgun, pulling it up in front of him with a finger on the trigger. He pressed his back against the corner of the alley, taking a deep breath before risking a look down the street. There was nothing, yet he still kept the pistol pointed in front of him and made sure to keep tabs on everything around him.

He paused, no footsteps besides his own, good. He continued to walk along, taking a turn every now and then before he ended right back up at the van.


"You're joking, right? What do you mean he's gone?" Tyler couldn't believe the words that Jonathan was telling him.

"I mean he's gone. As in, not anywhere to be found. His jacket is gone, his phone is still here. I don't know where he went, I don't know what he remembers." Jonathan looked panicked.

"Well, don't just stand there!" Tyler turned his gaze to everyone in the room. "Go look for him!"

"Yes sir!"


A few hours earlier.......

Evan silently made his way through the living room, his eyes latching onto the photo that had caught his attention when he first got there.

Memories of the fair flooded his head as he walked out of the apartment. Painful guilt weighed him down as got into the elevator.

"I need to remember." He told himself, running through his mental checklist of places he needed to go to.

An alley, a warehouse, a coffee shop, Main Avenue, a rooftop, a bar.

Additional objectives: the boardwalk, a burnt down building, the desert.

As he took off down the sidewalk, he regretfully glanced back at the apartment building where everyone else was. He didn't want to do this to them, he knew they would worry about him, that's all they did lately. They couldn't even go on one mission without worrying about him.

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