Chapter 23

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It had been about a week since the guys had returned home, Jonathan had left Evan's side only a few times, mainly to eat and use the restroom, even to odd time to sleep in his bed.

The guys weren't worried, Jonathan hadn't stopped eating and sleeping and taking care of himself, he was just worried. They didn't blame him for his worry, because there could be so many things that could go wrong when Evan woke up.

Two weeks went by, there had been a flatline scare during that time but luckily Brock had saved him. Jonathan became less reluctant to leave his boyfriend now, but to avoid permanent damage to his neck the guys had brought a sleeping bag so he wouldn't be away from Evan during the night.

Other than that, he was good, he even left the room to do a quick mission, which was obviously successful. Their image was still maintained as the mysterious gang who supposedly 'ran the city' and luckily not too much trouble was afoot.

Another week without incident left Jonathan feeling a bit more hopeful about Evan and his coma. And another week later he was back to sleeping in his bed and leaving the room a bit more.

But not only did Jonathan smile a bit more, but the feeling of love was spreading. And a few days later there was a new couple around the apartment.

Tyler and Craig. Wildcat and Miniladd.

Everyone had seen it coming to be honest, I mean there was obvious chemistry between the two since the moment they had met.

Oh, and a what a glorious day had that been.


"Vanoss, are you sure we need a hacker?" Tyler asked his best friend as they sat at the kitchen table discussing a team plan. They needed new members with unique skill sets.

Vanoss nodded, looking him dead in the eyes. "Yes, Tyler. A hacker can get us in to almost anywhere, and can get info on almost anything. Trust me, it's important."

Tyler caved. "Alright, but I think there's a very important flaw in your master plan here, owl boy."

Vanoss leaned back, his arms crossed over his chest in a cocky manner. "And what is that, pig man?"

"Where the hell are we gonna find hackers?"


It had been a few days since the two had their conversation, and Tyler had barely seen Evan around the apartment, he was either shut up in his room or out and about. Either way, Tyler could tell he was busy.

Tyler had been eating breakfast by himself in the kitchen quietly when Evan came strolling down the hall, a huge smile on his face and a giant stack of papers in his hand.

He tossed the pile of papers in front of Tyler, who just barely was able to stop the paper from spilling his food.

"What is that?" Tyler asked, staring curiously at the papers.

"It's a list of hackers, it has their name and all of their possible locations." Evan grinned, very proud of his work.

Tyler shook his head and laughed. "Of course it is."


Tyler pulled the car into brake mode, leaning back as he grabbed the file from the front seat. He was looking at hacker number 35B16-Vanoss had used a weird complicated numbering system for security reasons-also known as Mini Ladd, real name currently unknown.

He had been investigating hackers for the past three weeks, and not even using the whole of last week since something had come up.

That something had been Vanoss getting himself shot-although it was a complete accident- so Tyler had to help him, but once he had gotten there someone else was helping him.

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