Deadly Dance of the Demon [Edited]

Start from the beginning


His gentle voice was my undoing, the final walls around my heart and soul cracking. Shaking with the force of emotions that crashed into me, I shoved at his arms and jerked out of his embrace. Taking a running step, I lept off the roof of the building. 

The wind blew my hair behind me like a cape and dragged the tears that had pooled around my eyes. I opened my mouth to scream yet no voiced escaped the pain that strangled my throat.

I hated this fear, this uncertainty. I hated it. I hated that fate would reward me with a treasure beyond anything I had ever wished for only to drown me in endless pain and darkness. 

Did I want him to know who I was? If only I had the courage, to say yes... To embrace all that was given to me...

I landed on the pavement soundlessly and continued the momentum to run into the pitch black alley. I scaled the walls, each pull of my muscle doing nothing to distract me from the all consuming pain.

I wanted to run away from him, from everything. But when the hair at the back of my neck stood up and I knew I could never outrun him. Yet I couldn't help but pump my legs faster.

My demon snarled. Enemies... 

I wanted to scream in frustration. It seemed that Fiona had caught wind of my whereabouts. Now was not the time to be -

Suddenly a strong arm caught me around the waist, knocking the breath out of me and lifting me seamlessly off the ground all in one smooth motion. 

I sucked in a breath as I was brought up against the hard planes of Havoc's chest, my hands trapped between our bodies. His hand had snapped up to cup my chin, forcing me to meet his turbulent gaze. His chest was heaving from the chase, his eyes glittering angrily at me.

"Why did you run away from me?"

I flinched at the harsh tone of his voice and struggled against his hold, refusing to answer him. His eyes burned hotter and he simply tightened his hold, the grip on my chin almost bruising.

"Tell me."

His voice was a velvet whip that caused a lance of pain through my chest, yet his touch was nothing but gentle. I could feel my eyes burn hot, my breathing coming in shallow and harsh. I trembled as his hand moved to caress the arch of my neck in slow, soothing movements. 

The warmth of his hands and his body seeped into me. My body so starved for his touch melted into him and my tears fell from my eyes. Why? Why do I feel this happiness when I'm with you? As if he heard my thoughts, I watched as his eyes softened and he reached up to brush the tears from my eyes.

"I will never purposefully hurt you, Angel. You must know that."

His voice, so gentle and pure wrapped around me, and the tears, they continued to fall from my eyes as the emotions that crashed into me continued to seep into the cracks of my heart.

"I'll never know what I did wrong until you tell me," he said in a broken whisper. "Whatever I did to make you run away from me, I'm sorry. But don't ever leave me like that again."

His pained voice was a lance to my heart and it was that moment that I realized with sudden clarity that I too held power over this wonderful, strong, beautiful man. 

My breath caught in my throat, and those insidious whispers faded away under the sudden realization. I froze as my body continued to tremble. Oh Havoc... How can you ask me to bear my soul to you?

I reached up to cup his beloved face between my palms, leaning my forehead gently against his. I'm so afraid Havoc, yet my soul it sings for you...

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