Prologue ✔

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"Ugh... Aren't you forgetting something?" Audrey asked with a big smile.

"What?" he asked harshly. "I didn't lock your car, if not sit down. You're embarrassing yourself!"

"Not the answer I was expecting but will do," she replied.

A long, thick silence accompanied them while having dinner. Ethan wanted to break the awkward silence and said," Audrey, it's been five years with you."

Audrey was so touched and started to tear. She thought of what he would say and what would be the perfect response.

"Awww, I know. It's been five great long years."

"Yeah! Long very long!" he mumbled.

"Listen Audrey, I wanted to do this sooner but I think now is the best time."

"Wait Ethan, I know in my heart that you're the only man out there for me. No one compared to you can snatch my heart the way you did senior year. You're beyond the stars. And before you pop the question, I surrender my entire life to you. My answer is yes!" Audrey announced sweetly, waiting for him to ask the question.

"Audrey, that's not what I mean."

Audrey's heart suddenly started to beat faster and faster. "What do you mean?"

"Audrey, I want to keep this short and simple

I want to break up with you! I'm tired of this relationship. It's been too long. Sorry but goodbye." he said firmly and walked out of the restaurant.

Audrey's heart was shattered into a million pieces and tears started to form in her eyes. She barely moved and sat on her chair devastated.

"What a lunatic!" people mumbled.

"What's she crying for?" they questioned.

Audrey wiped her tears, stood from her chair, ignoring the waitress, handing her the bill. "Out of my way!"

What was even worst was that Ethan took her car. She was all out of cash to catch a taxi home.

She began to walk and walk anywhere with a bottle of wine in her hand until she noticed a bridge.

She thought what was life without Ethan anyways? So why not end it?

She walked along the edges of the bridge, placed her foot on the railings and shouted, "I'm worthless! Ethan please come back. I love you for so long! Five years of it, dammit!"

She took a glance at the water and whispered, "I'm ready, ready to die."

She carefully climbed the railings and codes her eyes.

Thinking of jumping, she heard a voice. "No Miss don't!" yelled a man.

"Don't!" he said continuously. "Don't!"

Audrey's vision was blurred and she fell to the ground.

The man ran for her and carried her to his vehicle. "Go to the hospital! I still hear her breathing," the man demanded to his driver. "Hurry!"

The car drove to the hospital as quick as possible and Audrey could still hear noises. She felt the speed of the car moving fast but she made no sound nor movement but instead laid there still and cold.


Chapter Soundtrack:

I can't make you love me ~ Adele Cover

Turn down the lights
Turn down the bed
Turn down these voices
Inside my head
Lay down with me
Tell me no lies
Just hold me closely

Don't patronize
Don't patronize me

Cause I can't make you love me if you don't
You can't make your heart feel
Somethin' that it won't
And here in the dark, in these final hours
I will lay down my heart
And I will feel the power but you won't
No you won't
Cause I can't make you love me
When you don't
When you don't

A/N 📄

Hey Guys! That's was the prologue Falling for the Unexpected. I hoped you enjoyed it and stay tune for chapter one. I hope you continue to read it.

Edited! Woohoo! 23 more chapters to go!

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Thanks for reading & Stay tune!

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