chapter 3

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Question for the chapter: what's your favorite color? And why?

Michael pov

"so love is nothing but sex to you? That's all love is to you just sex?" I ask my brother Tyler.... because I didn't understand what he told me earlier... "how can someone just say that they first time was okay like it's nothing".

I know am dying to have sex ,but I also what to do it with someone one I really love or at least trust..that I won't regret giving my virginity too... I want to know I gave my virginity to the right person.... you know? And for my first time to be special, not just doing it to get it over with... I want to make passionate love not get laid..

"Look everyone was doing and I just did it to get it over with" Michael said going to our room and laying on his bed.... I walk in and look at him like he was crazy.. 

"Don't look at me like that"

Why? Because you know your crazy if your first time was just to get it over with then "no" because you are crazy..."how could you get laid because everyone one is doing it?" I say with disbelief in my voice.

"Okay Michael why do you want to get laid so bad? Tell me? Are you sure it's not because everyone else is going it? What's your reason?"..

I look at my brother Tyler, "how can he even ask me that"?

"The reason I want to do it is because I want to make love, feel passionate, and be able to also reason that passionate as much as I can. Am not doing it because everyone else is doing it to get laid or just get it over with because they don't want to say a virgin in high school.... I want to do it Tyler to know know how much it feels to make passionate love to someone you care about or trust I know what love but I also want you know how it feels" I say to my brother put of breath because that's really how I feel

"And how dare you ask me that?" Tyler you know I never do what everyone else know am not the kind to give in to peer pressure...

I say walking over to my bed not saying another word to him.




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I want to know how it feels to have sex Where stories live. Discover now