Epilogue - Five Years Later

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Regina used her back to push open the bedroom door as she carried a tray of food containing scrambled eggs, bacon, toast with jam, and fruit, as well as two hot chocolates with cinnamon.

"Oh, you're up?!" She said, surprised, as she saw the blonde brushing her damp hair in their en suite bathroom.

"Awe, you made me breakfast? You officially are the world's best wife. Do you know how happy you make me?" Emma squealed and ran over and grabbed the tray from Regina and placed it on the table before tackling the brunette onto the bed and engulfing her in a warm embrace.

Regina tickled Emma's sides then they both leaned in at the same time for a kiss.

"Of course I'm awake early, it's a big day. Henry is coming home to visit us from college. I'm so excited to see him, I couldn't sleep another minute!"

"Can you believe our little boy is almost finished with college? Where did the time go?" She laughed and kissed Emma again, unable to keep her hands off of her.

"It's scary how fast time flew by. Who would have thought that when he was ten years old and came to find me and bring me here to break your curse that I'd end up finding my family and marrying the Evil Queen?" Emma laughed.

"Hey!" Regina yelled and tackled Emma. "I'm not evil anymore, remember? Unless you want me to show you evil, Miss Swan?" She winked.

"Oh, you know I do, your majesty." Emma played along. "Especially when you call me Miss Swan. You know what that does to me." Emma said as she kinked an eyebrow.

"You just like being bossed around and when I take charge, don't you?" Regina said as she grabbed the blonde's wrists and playfully pinned her down, rolling them over so she was on top of Emma.

"You're the only person I take orders from. Also, I need to tell you right now that you smell really fucking incredible and it's making me want to kiss every inch of your body."

Regina blushed, looking down at the woman under her. "And let me tell you that you look beautiful as always. Now back to the part about me giving orders... eat your breakfast before it gets cold!" Regina smirked as she rolled over and grabbed the tray.

"Seriously?" She rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth. "You really suck, babe. You know that?" She groaned then grabbed a forkful of eggs off the plate and put it in her mouth. "Mmmm. These are delicious!" Emma moaned with every bite she took.

"Still think I suck?" Regina asked, eyebrows raised.

"Yes... but maybe a little less. We both know I'd rather be eating something else right now." Emma said in a husky voice and bit her lip.

Regina shifted in the bed and crossed her legs to hide her arousal, although she knew Emma could tell what effect she was having on her like always. Then she leaned in and whispered into Emma's ear, "And we both know I'd rather hear those moans escape your lips and know it's from being inside you and not just from my cooking."

Before they knew it, the food was quickly forgotten and Regina's moans were filling the room as Emma kept her promise and ate something other than the breakfast Regina made for her.


Once they were dressed for the day, they headed downstairs to clear the dishes, which ended up all over the bed once the food was quickly forgotten.

As usual, Regina washed and Emma dried. It became their usual dishwashing routine and just another thing they always did together.

The two women were telling jokes and talking about plans they had for when Henry was home later. Just as Emma was drying the last mug, she froze and her jaw dropped.

"What is it, Emma? What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. Just... do you believe in seeing the future?"

Regina didn't answer at first, she just kept her gaze on Emma who was smiling like crazy. Once Emma started laughing and covering her mouth, Regina finally answered. "I suppose it's not too crazy to believe in seeing the future considering where we are from and the fact that we both have magic. Why, what happened?"

Emma placed both hands on Regina's shoulders and stared at her, green eyes burning into Regina's dark brown orbs. "Remember when I woke up in the hospital after my accident and later I told you about a dream I had that we lived together and were a couple?"

Regina smiled and nodded. "Of course I do."

"Well it was this exact memory. This exact moment. This exact feeling you give me. Regina, this was it! I saw the future. I saw our future."

"God, I love you."

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