"Wow! I'm shocked to say the least. When we were your age" she paused "let's just say we were inseparable."

I read between the lines and mentally gagged. I don't know if it's because I'm still so young or just not interested yet, but sex scares me. It makes me uncomfortable and I don't see myself engaging in those activities any time soon. We talked for a few more minutes, but the beautiful couple had to leave. They told us they'd be here for a few more days and would say good bye before they left.

Once they were out of ear shot I slid back on Gio's lap and told him how nice they were. He halfway smiled and nodded. I frowned because he looked like he was uncomfortable.

"Babe what's wrong?" I asked.

He placed his hand on my thigh and told me not to get mad. I tried to prepare myself for whatever was about to come out his mouth. I needed to decided whether to slap or punch him in the face, depending on how bad. In my mind it was probably the worst thing he could say to me right now.

"Baby you gotta get the fuck up off my damn lap" he said all in one breathe.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Has he lost his damn mind talking to me like that?

"Um excuse me? What for?"

He looked down at himself then back at me. I wasn't putting two and two together, then all of a sudden I felt something hard underneath me. My eyes grew big because I knew exactly what it was.

"Sorry. My dick hard. You kind of brushed up against it the wrong way and it got a little too excited. I haven't had any in a while so yea."

I was lost for words. I got off of his lap and moved back to my seat. He tried adjusting himself but it wasn't working.

"Uh...I'll be back"


We were at the hotel restaurant about to eat dinner. I was beyond hungry and couldn't wait. We spent the whole afternoon at the pool just talking and meeting new people. We even got this couples contact information. They live out here and are party promoters. They invited us to one of their parties that's being held over the summer. We might be back because California is too beautiful to pass up.

"Y'all know what y'all want?" Jermaine asked. I nodded my head yes. I've known what I wanted since I woke up this morning.

"Yup. I'm getting chicken and some fries."

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Every time we went out that's what I would always get. I guess Gio wasn't having it this time.

"Mane nah. If you don't stop being childish and expand your horizons."

I tried to pout but he plucked me in my lip. My mama started laughing at me and eventually covered her face with the menu. I swear she was always on his side.

The waitress came sashaying over and I already knew I was going to have to put her in check. She looked at everyone before stopping at Gio. She smiled showing her crooked ass teeth.

"Do you guys know what you want to eat?"

She started at Ms. H and made her way around the table. When she finally got to Gio she flipped her stiff ass hair over her shoulder and popped her hip out.

"And for you, with ya fine self."

I cocked my head to the side and gave her that really bitch look. My leg started shaking and Gio knew my attitude was about to get the best of me.

"See what you not finna do is flirt with my man right in front of me."

She rolled her eyes like I was the one who was in the wrong.

"Oop. I thought he was your brother or something. I mean you're dressed like a, like a lesbian."

Everyone at the table was ready to curse her out. I stopped them just so I could handle it.

"You thought" I said attitude clear as day. "You're not getting paid to think. You're getting paid to take our order and bring it to us. It's a shame that you have one job and ya can't even do that right. We'd like a new waitress please!"

By now I'm yelling and everyone else is laughing uncontrollably. She still didn't move so Gio looked up at her with a smirk on his face. Here goes my certified asshole bout to say something stupid.

"Oh no baby what is you doing? Why you still standing here? Buh bye. You're not my type anyway, she is" he said leaning over kissing me on the cheek.

She let out a heavy sigh before turning on her heels and going to get someone else to take our order. Jermaine was still laughing at the two of us.

"Y'all childish man. I just can't."

We eventually got a new waiter and after waiting for what seemed like forever our food was brought to us. I looked down at my plate that was full of crab legs, shrimp and fries. Gio insisted I get something else beside chicken, so I did. We ate in peace and I must say I was happy with how vacation was turning out so far.


Finally..here is y'all update 😂😂

What y'all think?

I tried to drop some knowledge for y'all & some real Deetranada hints haha

As always comment. vote. share

P.s : I'll try to update tomorrow. It's after 1am here & I'm sleepy. Was up til 6am yesterday so yea 😴

When I'm BROKEN | Deetranada | #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now