Day 1-An Adventure's Beginning

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Snarfer stood around his room when his computer began to ring.

*You have a message from the Alola region's own Professor Kukui!*

Snarfer viewed the message.

"Hang on, now. Gimme just a sec..." said Professor Kukui, adjusting the camera. He had on an unbuttoned white lab coat over his burly chest. He wore a white cap with a rainbow on it over his black hair. He wore light sunglssses with green rims over his brown eyes. He had a black goatee on his chin.  After he finished adjusting the camera, he looked forward and waved. A silver ring was on one of his fingers. "Hey there! Good evening! So the day has finally come that you're moving to Alola!" Professor Kukui adjusted his head over to the side and put out his hand, a map appearing on the screen above it. Four islands appeared on the map, greatly spread out in distance. "Alola is a region made up of several islands. That could be the reason the region is chock full of nothin' but rare Pokémon, yeah! There's no shortage of cool Pokémon out here in Alola, either!" He said, holding up a Pokéball. "Such mysterious creatures!" He threw the Pokéball up into the air above him, a flash of white coming out of its center. "Ruff-Ruff" said a brown dog-like Pokémon that landed beside him. It had big blue eyes, with white fur around its neck and a white puffy tail. "You'll find 'me all over. In the grass, in the caves, in the sky and sea..." The dog-like Pokémon laid down, trying to hide from the camera, but his tail stuck up, wagging. "Here in Alola we love our Pokémon, and we depend on them heaps, too." The dog-like Pokémon jumped up and went over to Professor Kukui. Professor Kukui put his hand on the Pokémon's chest, petting him. "Some of us even battle with 'em, if we call ourselves Pokémon Trainers!" The dog-like Pokémon jumped up and licked Professor Kukui's face. "Rockruff!" he said. "Can you wait until I'm done talkin' to play?!"

"Arf!" cried Rockruff, jumping onto the floor.

"All right, I gotta ask you some questions about yourself so I can introduce you to everybody! So which photo should I use for your Trainer Passport?"

"All right, I gotta ask you some questions about yourself so I can introduce you to everybody! So which photo should I use for your Trainer Passport?"

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"You OK with the one you chose, yeah?" asked Professor Kukui.

"Yes." replied Snarfer.

"All right then, I'll let you spell out your name for me. Your name?"


"So, you go by Snarfer?"


"10-4, good buddy! I'll let everybody out here know you're on your way!" Rockruff jumped up, perching on the Professor's shoulder. A black bird-like Pokémon with a red head began to fly above Professor Kukui's opposing shoulder. "Snarfer!" he said. "Yeah, that's a name that hits you like a Thunderbolt outta the sky! Woo!" He said as the bird-like Pokémon flew away. It then flew across the room behind Rockruff. "Can't wait to see you in person then, cousin!"

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