10. I'm Waiting ~Sam~ Part 2

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My mom is drunk, she's probably not in her right mind. She's crazy when she's drunk. Don't get me wrong, mom isn't an alcoholic, she just couldn't handle something and took alcohol as a solution. It's something about dad. Him moving on, and she's stuck with two children and her ex is in prison.

I'm not on dad or mom's side.

I believe that they both are grown-ups and they make their own decisions. Mistakes we all make them. It's just some, that won't leave.

We're a broken family.

Dad moved on, it's time mom does too.

I know that they both still have feelings for each other, but they won't admit it. They're both just too stubborn.


Mom did wake up with a huge headache but that's all her fault. She didn't go to work today, but luckily it's Saturday.

I know you guys are probably wondering why would the 'bad boy' not go out on a Friday night? Well, you saw what happened, that's why. Today's Saturday I can do whatever I want because mom takes care of JB.

Andrew called earlier, said I could hang with him. Perfect. My plan so far is just perfect.

Andrew Reynolds has been my friend since he switched schools. I guess we both have our problems and we understand each other. Andrew's dad also left them, but he died a few years after that. His mom and he both moved on, but why can't my mom?

They didn't move on just because of the time that had passed. They moved on because they had to. Mom needs to.

Flip it's killing me that she isn't doing good. My dad has already met someone new and she's stuck in the past.

She must move on, for me and JB, but mostly for herself. She's falling apart. She's a mess. She's not herself at all.

"How do you get someone's number if they don't have any interest in you?" Andrew takes a sip of his coke.

"What do you mean? Because usually girls give it out as if it's-"

"What if the girl doesn't want anything to do with you?" I ask, taking a bite out of my pizza.

"Hmm..." he said thinking with his hand on his chin. "Why would you want her number?"



"Just because."

"Just because?"

"Ugh!" I said throwing my hands in the air. "Not you too! I want her number okay."

"And you, you don't have a temper." He said sarcastically.

"I just- I-I want her number."

"But you never cared enough to get a girl's number."

"Of course I cared." He rolled his eyes. "Just tell me."

"Get her number by a friend or something." Woah that's perfect. Ask Miles -the guy who hates me- for his best friend -who's a girl and his crush- for her number. What a plan.

"What if her friend hates me?"

"Why would any girl-" What is it with him and any girl. Not all girls would do that Andrew! Like Hay.

"You know they have guy friends too," I said as if he's the idiot of the year.

"Then you're screwed. Get another girl's number."

"But I need her number Andrew."

"Woah, repeat that." I rolled my eyes.

"I need her number," I said, getting really annoyed.

"Is this the first time you like someone?" Like?


"You have that face!"

"Which face?"


"No, I don't!"

"Yes, you do! Look at those cheeks! Aww who is she?" I'm not blushing you idiot, it's the light.

"You just sounded like a freaking girl, Andrew. She's... Hailey."

"Hailey? Never heard of her." Yeah, that's because you moved here when she already left, guineas.

"The new girl."

"You mean that hot chick with brown hair and-" hot chick? Is she a chicken?

"Yes." I don't want to know what words he was going to use to describe her.

"She kind of looks familiar, but... Why do you have eyes for her?"

"Why do you have eyes for Ella?"

"That's different!"

"I don't know, okay?"

"Me too. But Sam, she must be really special if you like her because you only have flings and... yeah." I nod.


"So, how's your mom?" I sigh.

"Came home drunk last night, and she forgot to pick up JB again. The woman is going mad."

"That's bad, but I don't understand why you don't let your dad help with anything. He's stinking rich! He could buy you a castle, but you won't let him, why?"

"We don't need his help."

"Okay, whatever you say, but just remember that he's always there. I would kill to have my dad here."

"Maybe you don't understand."

"Tell me, Samuel, what don't I understand?"


I love Andrew!

Thanks for reading!


-V 🐥

Hey Hailey ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon