Part 11

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Burke's P.O.V.

I ran back to the room with Leeann and the others that I picked up along the way. Leeann had papers and folders spilling out of her hands. Her heels were clicking along the tiled floor as she ran along as well.

History, family information, background checks, health information, she grabbed as much as she could within the short amount of time I'd given her. I would've given her more time if Kelly weren't in this situation.

We reached the carpeted hallway Kelly's room was in. The door was wide open, workers rushing in and out. I reached the doorway to see Kelly laying on his back and the top of his shirt was opened. 

Leeann rushed into the room and stopped in her tracks. Her face held bewilderment. She quickly put her glasses over her eyes and put all of the folders and papers on the sofa. She sifted through all of the papers and pulled out his family records and health records. 

"Does, he have a pulse at least?" I asked.

One of the ladies looked up to me with a relieved look. "Yes, he does, he's still breathing. I just don't think he could take it much longer."

"No he couldn't," Leeann added. "According to this, his entire family on his mother's side has history of heart problems. He got too overwhelmed and it led to this. We just need to make sure that he keeps breathing and has a pulse. 

"We probably need to move him to the bed instead of leaving him on the floor."

I watched as three of them lifted Kelly onto his bed. I felt as though I had seen my own son being a dead weight in someone's arms. 

One of the men that stayed with Kelly turned to me. "After we came in here, he tried standing up again, we attempted helping him, but he fell again. This time he fainted, not just fell down. He fell onto his back and hit his head in the process. 

"Angie is on her way to get  ice and a bandage. It wasn't a hard hit, but enough to leave at least a scrape and a bruise for a few weeks. Nothing fatal, although I'm not too sure about his chances of surviving this."

He motioned to the male nurses trying to cradle the back of his head. I could see a tint of red on their hands and on the floor. He must've cracked his head open somehow.

I stepped out in the hallway to try and clear my head. I say the two men that were supposed to be with Crystal walk by.

"Why are you two here?" I asked. "Where's Delilah?"

"She's with Crystal," one said.

"And why aren't you with her?" I raised my voice.

"She told us to either help her or go home," one started. "We decided to go home, it's getting late. We have lessons early in the morning."

"Oh, you aren't going to have to worry about it getting late anymore, because you don't have a reason anymore, you're fired," I spat.

"You can't do that, you aren't the boss!" one yelled.

"Oh, I can't? Last time I checked, I'm the boss of this wing, and you two work in this side, which means yes, I am the boss of you two," I spat. 

I pulled out my ID card and showed them. Their faces both went blank, they went pale. 

"So, you're the Burke guy everyone's been mentioning," one said.

I nodded one of those 'naw dip Sherlock' nods. They both apologized and fled the scene as quickly as they could. I soon saw Delilah running down the hall towards me. More people rushed into the room as more walked out.

"What did sh-" 

She held up a hand and doubled over with her hands on her knees, breathing heavily. "Now, hold on. I just ran halfway across this damn building, let me catch my breath. She said, in short, that they got in an argument of some kind after going into the library."

"Burke, come in here!" Leeann poked her head out of the door into the hallway. 

I quickly thanked Delilah and walked through the door. 

"B-Burke?" a shaky voice asked. 

I looked over to the bed to see Kelly's eyes hardly opened. I walked to one of the open chairs and sat beside him. 

"Burke, my chest hurts," Kelly whispered, almost inaudible. "I-I don't want this to happen to me, it already happened to my mother."

"It'll all be okay," I put my hand over his forehead. 

His face was burning up. The bandage was wrapped all around his head, the ice laid wrapped in a towel under his head. The rest of his body laid limp, as if any movement would send a shock of pain throughout his whole body. 

"You know," he laughed. "Out of the three years I've been here, I don't think I've ever seen you cry."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "You basically just had a heart malfunction and you're still joking around. You're possibly the only person who I know that'll do that, and I hate you for it."

"Hey, you can't hate me, I mean look at this face," he lifted his arm, only to be met with splintering pain.

His face contorted to one of pain and plopped his hand onto his stomach. 

"You get some rest, I'll see you in the morning," I stood up.

Apparently everyone had left the room. Leeann had left her papers left out on the couch. Kelly had already gone to sleep. 

Today's been a day hasn't it?

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