Part 4

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"Can I go to the library, I'm meeting Crystal there. I'm also apparently 'staying the night' in her room. She said that I looked tired and wanted me to sleep in her rooms with her," I rushed.

He thought about it for a second and finally he nodded his head yes.

Celina's P.O.V.

"Get off of me!" I screamed.

Multiple watchers and extras had to help hold me down. My medicine was in a syringe, waiting to pierce through my skin. The therapist held it and examined my arm on where to insert it.

"I said get off me!" I yelled again. My hands formed into fists, waiting to hit somebody.

"This'll only sting for a little bit," the therapist calmly spoke.

Without warning he pierced the skin right below my left shoulder. I let out a scream and fought to get up, but everyone kept pushing me down. I snarled and pushed up, somehow throwing everyone off of me.

"I'm not your little test subject!" I screamed, a trail of blood went down my arm from the needle poke.

My braided black hair feel down to my shoulder blades. My eyebrows furrowed and my one brown eye narrowed. The other being a misty white from loss of vision.

I heard a rustle to my left. I shot a look over to see a watcher standing up, holding another syringe.

"You do realize that because I'm blind in an eye, my hearing gets better," I snarl. "And you really think you can take me down with a syringe?"

My skinny figure turned to look at the watcher closer. Blonde hair, more muscular, scar crossing his right cheek and a snarl played on his lips. I mimicked his look, growling a bit in the process.

"I may be small, but I am mighty," I stood up straight, holding my chin high. "Mightier than you might think, or want to believe, Burke." I spat his name out like it was a foul taste in my mouth.

His face grew red with anger, that's what caused him to hurl the syringe at me. Dodging it with ease I laughed.

"Is that the best you can do?" I laughed. "I know what you all are trying to do. I know why everyone is really here, in this so called 'Asylum'."

"Then why are you all here?" Burke raised an eyebrow, slamming his hands on the table and glancing behind me.

"I bet you, you don't even know, do you? I can tell what you are doing right now, stalling," I turned around to see watchers and extras running towards me.

I dodged all of their punches and attempts to grab me. I used tactics my mother had taught me, I started to twist the hands of people throwing punches, watching their faces contort to unpleasant sights and letting out yelps of pain.

"Celina, enough!" Burke shouted.

"You brought this on yourself. You with your non-discrete ways," I laughed. I let go of the fist I was currently torturing. "Leave it up to you to put an end to end all of my fun."

"Yeah, whatever," he rolled his eyes.

"Lexandra, take her back to her rooms. Make sure she doesn't, or can't, leave that room," the therapist sighed.

Stray hairs now framed my face, I blew them up and stomped out of the room. Once outside I saw people staring. I looked at them and growled. They flinched and kept on walking to where they were going.

But, this one shadow on the wall stayed put. A taller figure, and they're holding something and talking to someone. They rounded the corner to the hallway.

The taller figure had two braids in their hair, auburn hair, and two different colored eyes. The other came only to about the shoulders of that one. That one had messy black hair, brown eyes, like mine, but with dark circles under them.

They both seemed to be holding books, must be going to the library. They smiled at me as they walked past, I snarled back. They didn't seemed phased by it at all. Surprised I stormed back to my rooms and sat on my bed with a huff.

I can't be the only one who knows, can I? No, I can't be.

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