Part 2

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I ran a finger along the base of my mask, along my neck. I stared at the blank wall, until I heard a faint knock at the door.

I threw the closest to me at the wall, which was one of Mr.Burke's pens. I threw it against the wall to acknowledge that I was in the room. The masks don't really allow one to talk.

I was shocked to see Mrs.Elaine walk through the door. Then, I realized what she was here for, I nodded and got up. I grabbed a book and followed her to Crystal's room.

Crystal's P.O.V.

"Go get Kelly!" Monte commanded Elaine.

I hated this happening. I would get random anxiety attacks. Sometimes for a reason, but others come out of no where.

I had been retreating back to my room when it suddenly felt harder to breathe. My chest tightened and I gasped for air. I tried my best to keep it under control until I got to the privacy of my rooms.

We had just stepped into the room and I loudly gasped. I grasped the side of the nearest table. Monte looked at me with a questionable look. My eyes started watering and I started racking with coughs.

I knelt to the floor and held my chest. Monte came beside me and knelt as well.

"Come on breathe," he instructed.

Elaine then opened the door to see what the commotion was.

"Go get Kelly!"

Elaine left the room, the door was slightly cracked open. Warm tears were running down my face and breathing became even more difficult.

"Just breathe with me Crystal," Monte grasped my hands.

He started to take really dramatic intakes of air then letting them exhale through his nose. I attempted to copy his actions, but it was difficult at first.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I see the door slowly creep open. When the door was completely open I could see Kelly holding a book. Typical Kelly.

Kelly walked over to me and knelt beside of me. That dumb mask was on, as it usually is.

I was still listening to Monte and his breathing. I felt Kelly's hand rub my back, I had started to breathe normally soon enough.

"Thank you Monte," I squeezed his hands. Kelly had gotten a tissue and wiped my cheeks free of the tears.

He gave me a reassuring smile and stood up, taking me with him. I looked down to Kelly, who looked up at me and, what I assumed, is smiled at me.

"Do you need anything Kelly?" Monte asked.

Kelly looked down towards the mask, motioning for Monte to take off the mask. After Monte had, Kelly smiled and rubbed where the mask was tight around the neck.

"That thing basically strangles you. You have to have your neck straight up for you to breathe," Kelly laughed.

I laughed and walked past towards the sofa, making sure to punch Kelly's arm in the process. "You really know how to make me laugh, don't you?"

It was Kelly's turn to laugh. "Yeah, just a bit. You gonna braid my hair?"

I smiled and nodded my head. Kelly sighed and came and sat in front of me, on the floor, and faced away from me. The perfect auburn locks were messily placed, I could help myself from running my hand through them.

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