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-Yuri's POV-

I was surprised that the rink was still open when I got there. I accidentally over slept and didn't think the owner would be there. When I saw that he was I just figured he was cleaning up a little. I walked up to the doors and pulled on them and they opened (to my surprise). When I walked in I saw the owner standing behind the desk and when he saw me he smiled and waved, "I'm just going to practice on the ice for a little. I won't be long." He just nodded his head and went back to staring off into space. I walked back to the double doors and before I opened them I saw someone on the ice with half of the lights off. So that's why he is still open, I thought. My curiosity took over and I walked through the doors, swinging them wide. When I got to the rink I could see that it was a girl with her eyes closed and it looked like she was preforming. She was so elegant, swaying and spinning gracefully over the ice. I didn't get a good look at her face until the door, being slow as it was, finally closed. This startled her and she came to a stop, pulling her earbuds out. She looked around to the doors and her face settled on me. Her eyes became wide and she slowly started to make her way to exit the rink, where I was. When she stepped out of the rink she put guards on her skates and turned to me with slightly red cheeks. I couldn't tell if they were from the ice or being caught preforming, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hog the rink. I'm about to leave so you can have it for yourself." She smiled a shy smile and turned to leave. "Hey," I said before I could stop myself, "You weren't hogging the rink. I literally just got here. It's fine if you wanna stay and practice more." She tuned back around and shook her head lightly, keeping her shy smile in place, "No it's alright. I do need to be going back to the hotel. My coach will start wondering if somebody kidnapped me off the ice." I felt a smile tugging at my lips but I managed to keep them still, "Oh who's your coach?" She turned her head to the side a little, "Uh, I doubt you will know him. I mean he's an amazing skater himself and he's been interviewed a while back but he's still not a well-known coach." I shrugged, "I still might know him. Hit me with his name." She sighed, "Hang on give me a minute it's been a while since I actually called him by his name. Um...It's Arkady Mishurin. Ha that's it, it took me a minute there. I usually always call him coach, even though I've known him all my life." I turned my head to the side and smiled a little, how did she make me smile? She has some kind of effect on me. "No sorry, I don't know who that is." I replied softly. She shrugged and sat down on the bench and started unlacing her skates, "It's fine, it's not really a big deal. He knows he's not well known and he's ok with that." She got done unlacing one foot and went to work on the other. When she was finished with the second she reached under her bench and pulled out a pair of tennis shoes. She slid her feet out of the skates and pulled on the shoes. "Hey I never got your name," I blurted out before I could think. She looked up at me over her glasses, "Oh I'm Stasya Duboff. I'm not from Moscow so excuse my weariness." I nodded slightly, "I'm..." "Yuri Plisetsky. Yeah I know you are one of my favorite figure skaters." She cut me off blushing, "I-I'm sorry not only was that creepy it also was rude." My eyes widened and my face grew slightly warm. I am one of her favorite figure skaters, I thought. I shook my head a little, "Don't worry about it, at least you don't act like my other fans and mob me every time you see me." Stasya Giggled a little and my cheeks grew warmer. She pulled out her phone and looked at it, her eyes widening a little. She continued to stare at her phone then her eyes shot to a window on the other side of the rink. She frowned and I followed her gaze. It wasn't snowing, like it was earlier, it was a full blown blizzard. I looked back at Stasya and she had a worried look on her face. "Hey are you ok?" I asked with true concern. She looked at me and nodded slightly, "Yeah. Um if you'll excuse me real quick I have to make a call." I nodded and went to go turn the lights all the way on. When I got back to the spot we were before I found Stasya pacing back and forth. "Ok now I know something is wrong. Do you mind telling me what's going on?"

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