chosin crystil???

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anyys so liek there wuz this gost thingie an im the chosen 1!!!!! so aniwai....

da gost gave me speshul pwrs blesd from the gowads!!!!!!!!!

But then...

Korn is "says no u dont u ned 2 join my army?!!"


"i ned a strong person, u r strong"

I frown bc im confilcted about this. why was Kronis aksing me? im not strong inm depreshion....

"no!" yels Niko "dont Do it, Crsytal!" u will die! i think "nio if i dont join u will di!"

"thats ok becuase i am a pRince of death So i wil Not Die Bad"

"oh ok"

krons forswns no!!!!!!! u ned 2 join crystal or else i wil Loooooseeee!!!!!!!!!1 noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Noes. I says concretely "I will not join ur evl Army!" no!!!!! nicp Canot Die so i dont ned 2 join lol

"nooooooo!" korn says "pls reconzider"

"idk... maybe" i say, because i am depreshed i dont desrve 2 be gud.....

korn is frowns again and eyes start glowing red about 2 kil the campP bloD..

omg clifhanger i am so evl pls stay tooned....

percy jacksons twin sister(an percy jackosn fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang