Chapter 29

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All day we spent together, just laying around and talking about nonsense. Storylines, gossip, shows, music. We laid on the bed and he held me against him as he told me stories, wether they were real or made up, I loved that he always knew exactly what I wanted. No matter how much he fucks up he always goes out of his way and above and beyond to make up for it and make me happy. I don't know what the fuck is going on, and I'm not sure I want to know honestly, but I'm gonna find out wether it's good or bad. I laid awake all night with my head laying on Punk's shoulder, his arm securely wrapped around my waist like he wanted me to stay forever... but I know that's not gonna happen, I just don't know why.
I felt Punk shift under my head and my eyes opened to look up at him, his eyes already looking at me, a light smile on his lips. When did I fall asleep last night?! "Morning beautiful" he said, his voice thick from sleep.
"Mornin Punky" I answered tiredly as I snuggled myself into his shoulder, hitting my eyes and trying to sleep again.
"Babe, you have to get up at some point"
"I've slept through a day before, pretty sure I can do it again"
"No" he said, his tone dropping a bit as he pulled me upright with him "you really have to get up"
I opened my eyes again and looked at him a bit sadly. "So you wanna do this now?" I asked him. He nodded, not even looking me in the eye. "Alright" I responded slipping off the bed and onto the floor, making my way out into the kitchen of the large hotel room, grabbing a chocolate covered doughnut out of the fridge before I went back out and dropped onto the couch to stare up at Punk who was currently pacing the floor. "So then... what happened this time?" I asked him taking a bite out of the doughnut.
"I'm honestly not even sure how to put it" he said in an annoyed tone as he finally stopped and just sat down next to me, staring straight into my eyes.
"Please, whatever it is can't be that hard to say"
"I beg to differ"
"Well... you didn't build up the suspense of this situation for nothing, I did give you another day to figure it out"
"I know I know I just... You know I love you right?"
"Oh God, this is REALLY bad if you're asking that"
"Just... please answer it..."
"Okay, yeah... I know you love me"
"And you know I always will right? No matter what?"
"Well you've made it pretty hard to believe before but, yeah, I know you always will, no matter what"
"Okay... and you love me too, right?"
"I always have Punk. Always have and always will, and you now it's true because I'm still here after the shit you out me through"
He smiled a bit and dropped his head. "And if you were to, you know, go away... for a long time, you wouldn't forget me, right? You wouldn't forget what we have?" he sounded like he was about to start crying and I instantly became worried.
"Punk..." I said softly, placing a hand in his shoulder.
"Just, Jamie, please.... answer the question..."
"I would never forget about you or us"
I heard him chuckle a bit before he looked up at me, tears stained his cheeks as his eyes were red. "That's really all I ever needed" he told me quietly "I can let you go"
I was shocked. "Let me go? What do you mean you can let me go?"
"Jaim, you don't belong here... this isn't where you should be... and I should have helped you back a long time ago but... I... I just couldn't do it..."
"Couldn't do what?" I asked frantically "Punk you're scaring me"
Everything around me was getting brighter, whiter actually and it seemed to be fading away. "Punk, what's happening?" I asked, fear laced straight through my voice.
"Calm down babe... you're going back... you get to go back... I love you" his voice was slowly fading away as everything became brighter and brighter around me, fading everything from my sight, and I could no longer feel the couch under me or the doughnut in my hand, everything was gone around me... right until my eyes opened to a whole new world...

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