Chapter 18

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"CHRIST! Shut the FUCK up Cena! I didn't ask you!" I shouted at John. All I did was sit down next to him at the vent tonight a he started lecturing me and shit about why I shouldn't have ever gone back to Punk... I honestly wanted to shove Cena down a flight of stairs right now. He looked at me questioningly."What's wrong with you?" He asked. Is he serious?

"Are you fucking serious? All u do is sit down and you start telling me about how stupid I was for going back to Punk, don't you think that'd piss me off?!" I sad angrily. He looked at me and I just stood up and walked away. I didn't completely take back Punk. I made it clear that I'm pissed as fuck at him and that if he does want me back he has to prove it to me. He needs to not fuck up or fuck someone else.

I went an found the locker room that Punk was in tonight that he was sharing with Bryan since those two are being targeted by the mysterious and fucking creepy Whyatt Family. I knocked on the door and Daniel Bryan opened it and smile at me. "Jamie! How are ya? Come in!" He said cheerily at the sight of me. I walked in and dropped down onto the couch that was in the dressing room. "Heya Daniel, how's the storyline going?" I asked as I looked up at him from where I was sitting.

"Uhm, it's going alright. Punk went to go talk to Hunter or someone if you're looking for him"

"I'll wait here, I don't think you and I have ever really gotten a chance to know each other"

He chuckled. "Fine by me"



We sat and talked about where our careers were headed and what we were hoping to accomplish. I, for no reason at all, started talking about the shit Punk's put me through that past few months and he sat there quietly and listened the entire time. "And yet you still go back to him?" He asked quietly "I don't mean to be rude or sound like an asshole or anything but you're just setting yourself up by going back to him. The more you keep going back... That more he's gonna feel like he can get away with anything and you're just gonna be the little broken mess that he keeps picking up and dropping again"

I sat there, taking in Bryan's words. I was making a mistake taking him back wasn't I? But he seems so sincere! But he could just be playing me again. But he felt so bad for what he did to me! But he could just have been lying again. But-

"Jamie, I really don't wanna throw you off. If you think you're fine, then by all means, keep doing what you're doing. I was just giving my opinion"

"It's fine Bryan... I might've needed to hear that..." I said, keeping my eyes trained on the floor. He felt that I was kinda done talking and he decided to get up and leave. When I heard the door open I looked over "And, congrats on your engagement, Brie's a lucky girl" I said and half smiled. He chuckled and smiled at me. "I try and make her happy... I hope Punk's doing te same for you"

He shut the door and left me to my thoughts and his words.

The more you keep going back... The more he's gonna feel like he can get away with anything and you're just gonna be the little broken mess that he keeps picking up and dropping again.

I try and make her happy... I hope Punk's doing the same for you.

God, I should have just stayed sitting with Cena...

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