"So your job is more important than me! Than your children! Our children!" Castle yelled as they argued through the late hours of the night, no doubt their children listening in.

"How can you say that when you know it's not true!" She yelled back crossing her arms, pacing around their bedroom.

"Well you're sure acting like it is! You get up and don't even say goodbye to our children! Then you come home and they're already asleep, then you tell me your too tired to even talk about your day, what am I supposed to think!"

"That I'm doing my job, a real job!"

"Excuse me but whose loft are we living in? Whose paychecks from his books pay for us to go on vacations? Who does everything for our family while you go and play cop!"

"Play! I don't play cop I am a cop! A real cop! I don't just follow someone around like a lost puppy hoping to get yet another bestseller! I've put it blood sweat and tears for this job, and-"

"Yeah, but would it hurt to take a day off and let your kids see you! We never go out! Not you and me, not you and the children. They probably don't even know what you look like, they probably don't even miss you, they don't even know what it's like to miss you, you know why, because they don't even have a real mother, oh wait maybe that's because you never even had a real mother either-"

Rick had stopped mid sentence when Kate's hand connected hard with Rick's cheek. She had slapped him. She had a fury in her veins and she knew she shouldn't have. Angry and sorrowful tears spilling down her cheeks. He had hit her weakest spot. While he was fuming too, Rick didn't hit her back, he didn't shove her, nothing. That wasn't and isn't who he was. Who he is. And that was never what he would resort to. He would never hit Kate, he never liked when Kate would come home after a harsh day of fighting crime, because she would have small scratches or bruises.

"How can you say that! How can you even think that!" She wanted to hit him again but she didn't. She just shoved him back a little, as if to move him out of the way so she could go around him and to a corner chair in the bedroom. She then packed up a bag off of it and left.

"Kate!" Rick called out, but the door had already been slammed.

Kate was lost in the two nights ago memory as she realized she forgot the paperwork she was doing. She could finish it, and she should finish it, but she just couldn't think. She decided to pack up. She had stayed in a motel for two nights, but of course while Castle was away on research getting a better feel for Raley and Ochoa, was when she would spend time with her children. Her and Castle barely saw each other anymore, and for the time being they were ok with that, they couldn't see each other. Kate was still hurt by Rick's words, and Rick was still hurt not only by her slap but by her ignorance. The ignorance was a bigger issue than the slap in both their opinions. But Beckett couldn't wait to see her lovely children. She just wished she didn't have to look into their curious and afraid eyes, because it was becoming to much. Not to mention that they—the children—obviously  knew that something was wrong. Kate called the loft phone, wanting to tell Castle that she was on her way home, only for him to be ready when she reached the loft so they could say as little to possible to each other and spend the most meager about of time together. Lily picked it up.

"Hello? This is the Castle and Beckett residence, depends on who ever you want to talk to, this is their daughter speaking. How may I help you?" She asked in her usual upbeat voice, always ready to face a new adventure. She gets it from her dad, Kate thought.

"Lily it's-"

"Mommy! Mommy I love you! When are you coming home, I miss you, so much. Jake and Reece do too, and so does daddy. Daddy really misses you."

Caskett: Never Ending LoveWhere stories live. Discover now