Sorry Old Friend

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BY: H.A.L 

Without realizing it,

                             I let time go by. 

There are moments when I find myself looking back at who we were and who we are now. 

I hope you are doing well,

                              that life is embracing you with open arms.

                              that you have found that spark in your life.

The wonderful memories that we made and have shared over time, they bring us one step closer to the people that we want to be. 

and I hope that you are one step closer to your destiny.

I might sound cold and distant, but it seems that my intentions behind my sentiment still hold some value and truth. 

We have grown apart and I am at fault.

I let so much of my life get between you and me.

I let my fears and my expectations take charge and control me. 

I let countless chains in prison my once free spirit,

                            and I'm sorry if i let you down old friend.

You have seen me grow, like a shadow.

A constant companion, and reminder of what my life had been like.

But I turned my back on you and have seemed to have forgotten about you.............or have I?

I see you everywhere I go.

When I look at my reflection it is you who I see.

When you cry, I am the one that wipes away the tears from our cheek. 

These hands that I use belong not just to me, they are the fruits of our labor. 

The countless battles that we have fought threw together. 

I'm sorry old friend for turning my back, for forgetting where I come from.

For forgetting that when I was nothing, I had you. 

And as I look at my reflection and as I keep taking my final steps to accomplishing our dreams.

I will always look back to that little girl.

That little girl that lies within me reminding me never to forget her. 

So old friend although at times it may seem like I've lost my way,

That I have drifted away from you.

Never forget that I wouldnt be who Iam with out you.

Your dreams are my fuel and what keep me going. 

I hope I've made you proud old friend.........and once again.........................I'm sorry. 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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