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Running back and forth in the halls
Trying to get to school on time.
Making new memories
             Making new friends
This is what I learned in highschool

Falling in love
And going to a school dances
Trying to pull an all-nighter
To get a research paper done in two hours.

Trying to pass chemistry class
Passing in math
But failing in science
Learning about the history of Rome,
While reading the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.

Having lunch at school
Or eating outside
Gym class is fun,
            But torture as well.
This is what I learned in highschool.

Trying my hardest to pass all my classes
Want to go to college
And surpass all the  boundaries.
These are but somethings I have learned in highschool.
And I hope to learn more in college.

PoemsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora