A Summer Vacation [part 7]

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~~~~~~~~~~~~your pov~~~~~~~~~~~~
  After you got kill and there was a reset you thought that you would be on the serface but to your pain Joe there at Snowdon so you just side then you hered chara and then you hid behind the convently shap bush.

  Come out come out where ever you are I want to play with you =). You where filled with FEAR. Boy did you think of running but there was a problem chara was right there. You waited for what felt like an forever. Then when she left you poke your head around. Then you saw blue. You know how resets work but to your saprized he saw you and have you a big hug. Y/N I'VE MISS YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH. "T...thank you b..blue, but you almost gave me a hartatack." SORRY BUT I HAVE SOME BIG NEWS!! "Ok tell me..." ME AND MY BROTHER ARE GOING TO AUS FOR FUN!!!!!!!! "Ooo well umm have fun." You smiled fakely for blue and knowing he exploring au heh heh WHYYYY!!!..... DON'T WORRY HUMAN CHAKRA IS COMING PAPYRUS ISN'T THOW SADLY. "Ya that's sad"

  After that papyrus tp right behind you and disided to scare you. boo! "AAAAAAAAA" when you turnd around and saw papyrus you blush.  He's was laughing his head off because you uuummmm sortove over reared. "SHUT UP RIGHTER!!!!!!" Ok ok


  Hay so I'm going to a part to on my other story. Sorry for the short chapter heh bOi



A Glichy famaly (Swap papyrus × reader) CompleatWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu