Awoke. Chpt 5

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I sat on my bed. My body shaking from fear and exhausted from crying. Waiting, that's all I could do. That's what I was ordered to do. There's no way out from this room, the door was sealed and it remains an unpainted wall.
Then the door opened.
I peered out of it, so did every girl down the hall and across from me. All in their suits, sitting on their beds, just like me. A giant flashing arrow appeared over my door, that read "exit." I stood up, and walked towards it.

"Lunch time. Lunch time. Lunch time." A voice appeared from thin air. I could see the girls across from my room looking in. Some were already out, creeping down the halls, and some just like me remained in their room, stricken with fear and confusion. A horrible noise began, like nails down a chalk board, it scraped at the inside of my head so much that I could not focus, my brain was in control and it ripped me out of the room, hands covering my ears as I ran down the hall way. Crowds of other girls ran before and after me, in a clump we scrambled through the hall, trying to get away from the noise that filled our ears.
That's an affective way to get us out. I thought. I knew everyone else was thinking it around me too.
We had reached the end of the hallway. The hallway was nothing really, just full of doors and rooms exactly like mine. Our living quarters. Our rape quarters.
At the end of the hallway there was a big automatic opening door, blocked by two large men, who smirked at us, looking up and down our bodies.

"What the fuck?!" A girl cried out from the crowd. "What the actual fuck!! Where the hell are we you dick twitches!" She screamed.
Punching and kicking the walls, tears streaming down her face.
In a matter of seconds, a tall buff man dressed in black and sunglasses ripped the poor girl against the wall, tearing her hands behind her back, and forcing her into her room, he placed his hand over her mouth while he attacked her neck while slobbery kisses as they walked. She screamed and pleaded for him to stop, but her voice became muffled once he through her into the room, and walked in. We all knew what was going to happen.

The group of girls and I stood there, hand over mouth, tears streaming down our face, we had no idea what to do, we didn't want to be hurt like she was going to be, we didn't want to be raped again like she was going to be. She was bold, she told them to stop, and she got punished for it. What the fuck.

"Welcome ladies." Another voice was boomed through the speakers. A goofy male voice, similar to the guy that spoke to us this morning. "It's lunch time!" He chimed.

The two tough men blocking the exit moved aside and the group of girls walked through, there must have been hundreds of us. Some clutched onto each other, crying into each other's arms. As I walked through, I felt a sharp sting on my butt, I looked up. One of those men had smacked me. Tears automatically fell off my cheeks as I continued my stumble through the doors.

"Welcome to the eating quarters!" The goofy voice chimed."
It looked just like a cafeteria, lined with white tables and white chairs, and school-like cafeteria arrangement, where you got a tray, and they plopped some disgusting mash of food together.

"Go ahead ladies. Get a tray and get fed." That stupid voice pumped through my ears.

We all crept together towards the cafeteria line and grabbed a tray. There were men working as the food disputers, wearing hair and beard nets. As I approached them with my tray, the plopped a plate of gloppy mashed potatoes and a burnt piece or chicken on it.

"They you are hot stuff." He smirked at me. "I want you tonight."
My body erupted with disgusts as I looked away and slid my tray down and grabbed a plastic spork that was located in a clear container.
Looking around the eating quarters. I'm supposed to sit and eat, like a stupid high school. I was to scared to what would happen if I didn't sit and eat like they wanted me to, would I end up like that girl? Would they take me back to my room?

I crept toward an empty table and sat down cautiously, poking at the burnt chicken with my plastic spork. Suddenly a girl placed her tray down across from me. She had dark circles and deep black hair. Her skin was incredibly fair and I could see her blood shot eyes, just like mine.

She didn't say anything, she just poked at her chicken like me.
"How am I supposed to eat when that just happened." Her voice croaked. "After that fucking man-"

"I know" my voice surprised myself. "I know I know I know" that's all I could say, tears spun down my cheeks.

"I'm Mary." She said quietly.

"I'm Cali." I squeaked.
She nodded and continued to look at her food.

"TEN MINUTES LEFT". A voice boomed through the cafeteria.

"They are gonna hurt us again." She said with a frog in her throat. "I can't go through that anymore. Once is enough, this stupid fucking class?"

"I know" I said again. Tears streaming down my face.

"TIME IS UP" the voice circled through my head around and around like a mary-go-round.

I looked Mary and she returned the glance.

"Good luck." Her small voice remarked. "We all need it."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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