Awoke. Chpt.1

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My eyes flutter open to a room filled with darkness, I rub them making sure I'm awake. My back aches tremendously and my head pounds making every breath send a sharp pain through my body. I'm laying on the firm ground, I run my hands over it, trying to feel for anything. Any surroundings, a clue to where I am, anything. But all I felt is dirt and pebbles. I sit up, beginning to panic, I feel around the walls keeping me in, run around to each corner, kicking, screaming, banging on the walls. But nothing is happening, not a single noise protrudes from the walls. I slide down  and cover my head with my hands, rapping myself up in a ball, rocking back and fourth.
I wipe the continuous tears every time they fall down my cheeks and run my hands through my hair. Until something catches my attention.

A small door like section from the wall protrudes creating an opening. Bright lights blind me from the opening as a lady dressed in a silver jump suit steps inside the room with me. She's beautiful, tan skin, long curly brown hair, small features, she introduces herself as Jenn Birches.

"What is it they call you?" Jenn asks me, she sounds expressionless, like this is a routine ritual.

"What they call me?" I ask. Am I supposed to have a secret name? A nick name?

"Your name. What's your name?" Jenn asks once again. "Tell me your name. Now." She's cold.

"Cali Mooves." I answered quietly. She knows I'm scared.

Jenn throws me a silver jump suit and knee high white boots.
"Put these on, and knock three times on the cement wall when you are ready."

Before I could even answer her she walked out and the invisible door shut behind her. I was alone again, but this time with a task. I thought the best thing to do was listen to Jenn, I didn't want to stay in this room forever.

"Okay" I whispered to the silence. as tears rolled down my cheek.
I took of my clothes and put on the jump suit and boots, stood up very slowly, the boots had a heel, so every step I took, a click would follow behind. I clicked to the wall very slowly, making caution with every single step, knocking on the wall three times. As the door opened once again, Jenn walked in, and placed a set of handcuffs around my hands.

"Routine. You'll be let out soon. We just don't know how violent you are yet." She told me, her voice cold, as she tightened the cuffs.

I nodded, I was to afraid to speak to her, I was scared of her. I was scared of everything around me, how did I even get here?

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