Coffee and Chaos

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Hey, if you're reading this I'd just like to say thanks for the reads! I appreciate every one of them!!

Anyway, to the story.

Your phone let out an intense buzz and vibrated the wooden end table you had set it on. Groaning, you grabbed ahold of it and brought it up to your face. The screen, still lit up from the text message, allowed your eyes for easy access to the electronic words.

Kassidy: Heyyy! Tomorrow's Saturday, let's get some coffee at the usual place!

You smiled at her enthusiastic text.

[Y/n]: Sure, why not. What time?

Kassidy: 2:00 a.m.

[Y/n]: tf?

Kassidy: Lol. Just kidding. 8:00. Don't be late or I'll have to disown you.

[Y/n]: Please do.

You put your phone back down making sure to turn it on Do Not Disturb because after all, you don't want your beauty sleep to be freaking disturbed.

You were almost certain that at this point Kassidy was texting bizarre things about how you shouldn't be asking to be disowned or how she will disown you, but you could honestly care less. She'd tell you everything she texted you in the morning, anyway.

Entirely unaware of what lay ahead of you, you rested your head on your pillow and drifted off to a deep, tired sleep.

"Yo, my homie," Kassidy nonchalantly called out to you as you approached her at your favorite coffee shop: Screamin' Beans and Steamin' Mugs.

All you could respond with was, "Hey."

"Oh, and by the way, I will disown you if you keep up that attitude, Missy."

"What attitude," you replied with a sour attitude.

Kassidy just stared at you. "Uh huh, okay. Anyway, lets go order."

You followed her to the front counter, which was beautifully decorated with purple and blue wisps of color that complimented the golden logo of the cafe. As soon as you arrived, you were immediately overwhelmed with the aroma of brewed and not-yet-brewed coffee beans, as well as the delightful sweeteners and milk.

Up front were three cup sizes: small, medium, and large, and each seemed to serve its purpose. The small just so happened to be noticeably petite, and the large was about the length of your head. Another reason you loved this place.

You hadn't even noticed that Kassidy was ordering until she let out that she wanted three large expressos.

"Kass, why are you like this?"

"Because coffee," she responded.

Sighing, you ordered a [preferred size] [favorite coffee]. The worker nodded and handed you a piece of folded plastic with a number.

Kassidy had supposedly already chosen a seat, so you walked over and sat across from her, placing the number on the edge of the table.

Eventually you both got your coffee and talked about numerous things, especially the amazing concert and how embarrassed you were about what happened.

"I wonder if he still has your number," Kassidy thought aloud.

You just sighed again. "I have no idea."

When she somehow finished all three of her coffees, and you finished yours, you decided to part ways. Kassidy was walking home while you needed to use the restroom. It was located down a hall where the men's restroom was at the end, and the women's restroom was on the right side of the wall.

You quickly went in and out; the restroom as a whole was entirely clean, but public restrooms still weren't your favorite things to use. You weren't sure if they were anyone's favorite.

You made your way out of the restroom, only to bump into what seemed to be another person making their way down the hall.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was-"

You cut yourself off immediately.


He quickly flipped his hood - which he had seemed to have on before you collided - back up and gave a tiny smile.

"Why are you-?" You were cut off again.

"I need my coffee in the morning."

You just stared at Brendon after he let out those words. "And you picked here?. . . "

"It's not illegal, right?" He asked, completely sincerely but with a joking undertone.

You frowned, but were astonished that you somehow managed to meet him again.

Then he took out his phone. "Your number was actually smudged when I tried to find it again. Do you mind putting it in my phone?"

You were hesitant to do so, but you took it from his hand and created a new contact, your first and last name included.

"Now it's only fair that you do the same," you stated.

He laughed a little bit before saying, "Alright, I will. Where's your phone?"

"You're serious?"

"Yeah," he had a smile of slight amusement but it was also a remanent of his laughter.

You handed your phone to him, and he put his phone number in.

"Not to be rude or anything, but umm. . . Why are you here? In this city, I mean," you asked in curiosity.

"It's a pretty cool city. I wanted to look around a bit. It was the last city in the tour, after all."


"Hey, do you wanna meet up here tomorrow morning, too? Maybe at 9?"

"Um, sure." Was all you could say before you awkwardly said your goodbyes and walked away.

Once again, you were left in awe at how you managed to have all of this happen to you.

Thanks for reading!! This story will get places I promise. I hope everyone reading has a good week ahead of them!

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