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Dedicated to Maker-of-History for going to the concert with me!

Hey guys! This will be my first story
I'm a huge Panic! fan, so I decided to write a story for all of you who love Brendon too.
Anyway, as I mentioned in the summary, as much as I love Sarah I am not including her in this story. She will be out of the picture because I have no desire to offend anyone.
If you see any mistakes you are welcome to point them out, but please stay polite :) Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the story!!

Disclaimer: I, of course, do not own any of the bands or songs mentioned in this story. The only thing I own is the story line. Most of the things in chapter 1 are from personal experience, other than the VIP seats and meeting Brendon.

Follow me on insta if you'd like:

Loud, blaring music filled your ears and urged your heart to beat faster, your excitement growing beyond compare. You had to admit: this was your first concert, but you knew it would always be one of your favorites. Why? Because you'd get to see Panic! at the Disco perform live. You would be in the same room as a band playing the songs you've poured your heart into singing for as long as you could remember, but, most importantly, you would be in the same room as Brendon Urie.

And just for this occasion, you managed to snatch VIP seats.

Nothing like backstage passes, though. VIP seats were very expensive on their own, but worth it. Backstage passes would make the trip much, much more expensive.

You stood watching one of the opening bands play, which were actually quite interesting. The music had your foot tapping and the lead singers were good at hyping up the crowd. And while they were still tremendously good bands, you were here to see Brendon Urie; you might catch one of the opening band's concerts later.

Misterwives played their last finishing note and thanked the crowd before disappearing into the blackness of the room. You smiled at their sincerity.

Then the thought hit you again: Holy crap I get to see Beebo up close. You internally squealed before being cut off by a voice.

"Yo [Y/N], you're looking excited there."

You turned around, smile growing, to see one of your closest friends: Kassidy. "Hey. Now where's my Coke," you asked, craving the sugary drink.

"Oh. I drank it."

"WHAT?! You know my Coke is important to me!"

"Ha, just kidding. I'm more of a Pepsi fan anyway." Kassidy coolly handed over your drink before adding, "And you owe me six bucks."

Your eyes sparkled at the drink, but even more so at the white, lit up numbers that continuously dropped. The timer until Brendon would be out singing. As of now, they lit up the large concert room with the numbers 8:24.

"Ugh, I don't think I can wait for another eight minutes," you groaned.

"Eh, you'll live. Plus, when the band does come out you'll see them perfectly. We managed to snatch these seats that aren't that far from the front row." Kassidy shot her eyes around to look at the number of people wearing Death of a Bachelor shirts. "Although you're definitely much more of a fan than I am. I just recently started listening to their music."

"Trust me, you'll love them," you assured.

From then on, you sat in silence with Kassidy, slowly sipping your Coke. After all, you had to have some left for the concert. Otherwise your esophagus might go on strike or something.

Suddenly, the room was filled with loud voices coming from every direction. You and Kassidy shot your glances up to the timer to see that there were only 12 seconds left.

You visibly brightened. "Oh my God!"

The crowd counted down the time.











And then came out Brendon in all of his glory singing Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time. You cheered with joy. You could practically see every line on his face. He turned to look at the crowd, right at your section, but it seemed like he was looking directly at you and you only. But at the same time, your cheers blended in with the rest of the crowd and so did your face.

Throughout the concert you kept feeling like he was looking at you. . . Or was it just wishful thinking?

Your favorite songs were played amazing, probably better than on the actual album, and at one point you became so emotionally invested that you started crying. Especially at This Is Gospel. The soft piano moved you and you even walked up very close to the podium he was sitting on to watch him move his fingers over the smooth ivory melodically. Every time in any of his songs he substituted a normal note for a high one, or even a low one, you were so impressed and it sent a tingle of happiness down your spine.

When he was done singing This Is Gospel, he moved onto another song and began walking around the pit of the VIP section, holding the hands of and hugging fans.

You squealed in excitement and reached your hand out to him, and he pulled you into a small hug.
You practically exploded in happiness as he walked by whispering things such as, "Hey, how's it going?" and, "It's nice to meet you." Your heart beat fast in your chest and your smile broadened.

After a few more songs, the beginning to Nicotine began to play and you let out a huge laugh. Not because anyone did anything funny. No, it was because you and Kassidy had a bit of an inside joke. . . One that revolved around a particular curse word starting with an F. . . And you knew there were multitudes of said profanity in this song.

So when the time came to it, you gave Kassidy a huge grin, and Brendon began to sing.

"Cross my heart and hope to die

"Burn my lungs and curse my eyes

"I've lost control and I don't want it back

"I'm going numb, I've been hijacked."

Your smile seemed to grow, if that was even possible.

"It's a fucking drag," Brendon sang in a legato tone.

Right after the obvious cuss word, both you and Kassidy exchanged a glance and yelled one sentence at the sametime:


Immediately after, both you and Kassidy had started laughing at your simultaneous yell, but when you looked up, Brendon was also laughing for some odd reason. His laugh started as a chuckle, then grew to be so uncontrollable that he couldn't even start the chorus. Instead, he pointed the microphone at the audience to let them sing the whole chorus while he recollected himself. At the time, though, he hadn't even been looking at you and Kassidy, so what was he looking at?

Quickly, he finished up the song but stopped further progression to another song.

He looked right at the section you were sitting in so, as usual, so did everyone else.

Kassidy ducked at last minute to make herself unseen.
"Crap, Kassidy you jerk!"

Then Brendon chuckled a little bit more before pointing his finger at you and calling out something life changing.

"Hey, you there in the middle."

Ayy what did you think? If you've read this far then thank you! Just for further knowledge, Kassidy was slightly based off of a friend of mine who did go to the concert with me :)
See you in the next chapter

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