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"Where's that new nurse?"

Jem stared at Will who is hugging his knees across the room. He frowned. He never heard him ask about anybody in particular here in the hospital. This is so unlike him.

But then, he is way more unstable than him.

"Nurse Tessa?" He said, "I haven't seen her today. Maybe it's her off day. Why'd you asked?"

"No reason." Will only mumbled and stared at the cold floor beneath them.


Will's tired eyes stared at him. Jem can't help but smile a little and shrug. "You always have reasons."

He chewed his lip. "She does owe me a favour."

"What favour?"

"None of your business."

Jem is ever thankful that Will never cusses at him. It seems to him that this calm side of him is reserved for him. Only him. Jem is thankful for that; Will's existence here is proof that he isn't as worthless as he thinks.

If only he can return the favour...

If this is any people, he would've asked why he should keep his nose to himself, but knowing Will, he probably won't appreciate much probing.

Without staring at him, Will reached his hand in front of him, as if attempting to feel something. "Help me up?"

Jem obliged. He reached him in a few strides across the room. "I'm starving." Will complained.

"It's barely lunch time." Jem pointed out, which made Will pout.

"Still, we should be early." Will said back, dusting himself off. He then threw a white shirt over his body hastily. "The first ones get the best food and the best tables."

Jem never heard of any bias lingering on the asylum's food servers, but he didn't bothered disagreeing to him, knowing it would be completely wasted.

She can always work overtime.

Working on her off-days would mean more digits on her pay cheque.

But nobody would do her laundry nor keep their living quarters clean, so maybe taking the day off is better for her.

But then, doing the laundry and the house chores would only consume measly hours, especially when you put into consideration just how fast of a worker she is. She can finish both the dishes and the dusty windows while waiting for the washing machine to stop.

Now all is said and done, she is curled up on the couch in her pajamas, a bowl of chips on her lap, the television blaring in front of her. She would've enjoyed the chill, except there are no good shows and the chips she is eating isn't exactly her favourite; it just happened to be the only one left in the cupboard. She should get her groceries any day now.

Browsing over the channels is an awfully boring task, but then she had practically reread all her books at least four times. There are no good new releases this time of the year, either.

She found herself stopping in a food channel. Her eyes are glued, but her ears are shut. Deciding that the shows are pure crap, she opted to entertain herself more personally.

She thought of peculiar patient 83. He is without a doubt the most unstable patient she has handled. One second, he's poking fun at you, then suddenly he pokes you for weakpoints in a flash.

She thought of his rather odd request yesterday. He wants the girl safe, yet he makes it very clear that he doesn't want her around. Tessa can't help but wonder who is the more horrible one in William's personal life; was it him, or his family? Was the blame rightfully for him, or for someone else entirely? He obviously cares, but he obviously is indifferent too. Maybe it's because his family is an abusive one? Or maybe he is the one being abusive?

London Institute For The Mentally Ill (An Infernal Devices Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now