Alex Thompsons

43 5 1

So I added her book in my reading list a long time ago, but didn't read it until recently. So the book written by AlexisThompsons which I fell in love with is Room 234's Virgin. Yeah, sounds familiar doesn't it? And if not, please make it familiar because that would be one of the best decisions you made.

Anyways off with the interview.

  1. Tell us something about yourself. 

 I write :-)

  2. Lol yeah. Of course, you are such a wonderful writer. So we know that Room 234's Virgin is one of the most famous books by you on Wattpad. So is it the first book you wrote here or did you delete your first book?

  First book 

3. Oh, so it was your first book! I must say that you are a lucky one. So did your book get famous slowly or was it pretty quick?  


  4. As I said, one lucky person. Do you have any fav TV shows, movies, books and/or characters and which?  

  Book: beyond pardon

T.v. show : One Tree Hill

Movie: One night with the king / Troy (watched them so much I can quote the script)

5. Cool... Which character would you most relate to from your book?

All they hold little bits of my life but I guess Lexis and Hera are the closest.

6. Fair enough. Finally, what do you think about this interview?
Lol well it was simple 😊. I like simple.

It was an honor to interview you. I still can't believe I interviewed you. Thank you so much for the interview. Waiting for updates eagerly. Hope you get the inspiration and never get writers block.

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