Hayley Anderton

157 9 4

Hey wattpader! I am back with one more interview! Today, I interviewed Hazzer123 , and I have to say she is quite famous, or at least her book, like, Stripes and Silence are, but honestly I like Double Bluff more as it has a very strong message. Anyways, off with the first question:

1. So tell us something about yourself (age, nationality, hobbies, etc.)

I'm a Creative Writing student at Liverpool John Moores University, and I'm going into my third year. I visit home a lot, but I live with five of my best friends in the city. I'm a family girl and a cat lover (my kitty is called Erik!) and I spend the majority of my spare time daydreaming about writing (and not necessarily getting any done!)

2. Cool, it must be fun living with your besties. How did you start writing? Was it your passion or you read many books and wanted to try writing?

I always liked writing stories when I was younger. My first 'novel' was a thirty page alien thriller that I finished when I was ten. I used to write a lot of short stories as well, accompanied by some (terrible) pictures drawn by hand. For a while I stopped writing because I thought it couldn't take me anywhere in life, but when I started posting my fanfiction, Silence, online and got a great response, I began to write original works too.

3. Did your books get reads and votes slowly or was it quite quick? How did you feel about it?

My first story on Wattpad, Silence, had a really great set of followers as I was updating it. There were about seven girls who would always comment and vote within hours of me posting a chapter. After I finished it, I entered the Watty awards on a whim and Silence won! So after that I found that I was getting a lot more attention, on both my fanfiction and other works.

4. That's very nice. Do you interact with your readers? Why or why not?

I love to interact with my readers when I have time. I always try and reply to comments on my work, especially if it's on a chapter I just posted. I love to hear what people think, and answer any questions they might have. It's also a great way to make new friends, which is what Wattpad is all about, I guess!

5. According to you, which is your best book and why?

It changes over time. I loved writing Silence, and I think the series has some really good plot twists in it, but I wrote it when I was fourteen, so I've much improved since then. Stripes is my second most popular story, and though I'm proud of finishing it, I don't feel that strongly about the characters and the story. So if it's based on my connection to the story, I'd have to say my best is currently Double Bluff. It's very close to being finished and I've put a lot of work into the characters, so I'm pretty pleased with it at the minute.

6. I really like Double Bluff too. Now, last but not the least, how was the interview?

This was fun! Thanks so much for interviewing me! 

So that's it for today. Stay tuned for more interviews of awesome writers on wattpad.

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