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Heyya! Today am here with a Fanfic writer. Okay, you guessed it, she has written 1D fanfics, but she surely write other fanfics too. JustMe52 is amazing fanfic writer, be it a book, fandom or TV show.

1. Tell us something about yourself

   I've been writing since my sophomore year of high school and when I discovered Wattpad one day, I just knew that it was the right place for me. I've never felt more at home.   

2. Which are your famous books?

  My One Direction books are quite popular, which I'm not really sure why. They are pretty poorly written and I cringe every time I try to reread them. I'd have to say my Give Me and Shadow series for Teen Wolf are quite popular, too. 

Your one direction fanfics are famous coz our family is huge. You yourself are popular. 

3. Your all books are fanfics, any reason behind that?

  There's really no reason behind them. I just happen to watch a show or movie and I immediately imagine a new character into them. Of course, I end up with a story in my head and if I don't write it, I won't stop thinking about the idea.  

4. Which was or is your best book?

  My best book would probably have to be In The Shadows. That book is more so my favorite because I created such a wonderful character that I genuinely wish was actually in Teen Wolf.   

5. Did you get noticed slowly or was it fast?

 It took a while for me to really get noticed. I remember when I first started, I kind of got bummed out when I didn't get a lot of reads at first. Slowly but surely, more people started to read my stories and to this day, I am blown away by how popular I have gotten.

6. How did you find the interview?

   I really enjoyed this interview. It's been a while since someone has asked to interview me and it's a pleasant feeling to do another one again. 

Im glad. Gee. 

Btw, sorry to the ones who dont like one direction, but please don't write any rude comments. thank you. 

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