mokou x male reader

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It's been 11 months since I was rape I know you won't believe me if I told you that the forcer who did this to me is nobody but kaguya the moon princess she have a massive crush on for me whatever reason so by that she went insane and ask eirin to kidnapped me and after that that's were I was treated like a sex toy by the two women I was double rape ...... I know it's rare for men getting rape  but it's true  after that I was force to merry kaguya  because I cause her to get pregnant so by that I barely saw mokou .

1 month ago I was waiting  outside of eirins offices why because my baby is going to be born as much as I hate kaguya and eirin of what they did to me but I can't leave my baby my blood I don't want him or her to live or grow up without a father I don't want him or her to live the same fate as me grow up without father I can't. So I continue to wait for my child I heard some screaming , heavy breathing , and words like almost there I waited with patients until my ears pick up a cry and there I knew the child came.

Y/ n:  a cry ? Does that mean the baby is here * you stand up now facing the door  of eirin office waiting for her to call me like the last chapter I wear nothing but shorts , battle boots ,and my sweater tied around my wrist under my stomach I again  shirtless * what is it gonna be a boy or a girl? * when you were talking to yourself resisen the youkai rabbit came .

Reisen:  Mr y/ n   the baby is here graduating is a boy we have a prince  * she said smiling while you enter the room fast wanting to see the baby after passing true objects and people you enter the final room  seeing eirin smiling holding your baby  who was still  crying and kaguya who was sleeping than eirin notice you.

Eirin: oh Minster y/ n I didn't notice you and graduation you have a healthy beautiful  boy * she handed you the baby to you you grab it and hold  and you saw that he have your skin color and eyes but he has kaguya hair color .

Y/ n: what happen to her??? * you said still holding your baby boy.

Eirin: kaguya she loss to much energy that she resting........ so  what are you gonna name him ?

Y/ n: mnnmh I don't know never thought I could have been a father but ..... * you were thinking of making a name for him  than you finally found one * dakumun that's the name I'm gonna give him .

Eirin: so are you gonna leave here like you said to threaten* eirin said in a serious face .

Y/ n: I will but not now dakumun needs Milk from her mother to grow bigger as much as I hate you two I'm doing this for him not for you or kaguya* you said in a serious voice giving her your own death glare  and give bakumun to eirin * and eirin don't give the baby drugs.

Eirin: your still mad that happen long ago you got to sleep with two girls and even made you immortal you should be happy than complain and do you think I'm a mad scientist?.

Y/ n: thanks for you I lost my humanity, my reason to live and I can't never see mokou again thanks to you ........ but I'm doing this for dakumun  I'm going stay by his side until he's a grown up * you shot back  and leave the room

Eirin: sigh theirs no changing that guy's mind ...... but at least we have a new heir  for the moon people Prince dakumun ..... dark moon nice name  fitting as will* said the doctor poking on your son's check * adorable little guy I bet he's gonna be handsome * she lick her lips and pick on dakumun check was ruin you enter the room .

Y/ n: at second thought I'll bring bakumun with me * you said taking away the baby away from eirin .

Eirin: come on can I hold him for a while * she whine still want to hold the baby boy.

Y/ n:  no the last thing I want is a cougar looking after on my son  * you walk out of the room with dakumun  in your arms * no body will hurt you as long if I'm in your side

Male Reader X Female Characters  ,Ideas And Mature EatingWhere stories live. Discover now