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Vote... If you're a human:')

Last updated: Dec 17th, 2k17.


I wake up, beside Ethan. His hands are gripping my waist, and we're in a spooning position. I sigh in pure happiness. I wish I could stay like this forever.

I already turned off my alarm clock so Ethan wouldn't wake up, I need to go home to get ready. I start to remove his hands but they grip onto me tighter.

"Ethan" I whisper, shaking him lightly. "Ethan." He doesn't nudge but I hear a knock at the door, and I look to see Grayson leaning against the door frame.

"Need help?", he asked me trying not to laugh. I glare at him, I'm not forgetting last night, he technically said I would have sex for fun. Now that I think about it... he wouldn't be completely wrong. He's an asshole, he doesn't need to assume things all the damn time.

I keep looking at him, and I sigh "Yes."
He walks in, and tightly grabs Ethan's hands, ripping them off me. I softly get out and stand up. He looks at me up in down, seeing I'm wearing Ethan's oversized T-shirt.

"I already know you like him. why don't you admit it?" he asked. I sighed, and walked away muttering a quick 'Thanks' for helping me out of his tight grip.

He yanks my wrists back and I turn around to look at him dead in the eyes. "Everyone see's it but you two. You know it's true", he says before letting his grip go.


I walk into the school walking to my locker. I open my locker, looking at the books, but I don't grab anything. All my things are in my bag.

I sigh, slamming my locker close. I see Ethan walking my direction, and I smile at him. He walks up to me, and I hug him but he rips my arms off around him.

"You okay?" I question, letting my arms drop to the side of me. He nods and scratches the back of his neck "Yeah, Ill see you a lunch though" he said rushing off.

Okay, I don't know what crawled up his ass. I head to History and sit down in my seat. I look up at the white board, reading what we have to do today.

But then a skinny figure stands in front of me. I look up, and see Crystal with her snobby friend: Jewels. I swear if this bitch says anything about my jeans or my hair today — I will pull her hair out of her head and I'll be telling her who's hair really looks bad.

I roll my eyes before actually looking up at her face. "What do you want?" I ask all innocent. She fake smiles, "You can stay away from Ethan." I look at her in furrow my eyebrows, I start laughing.

"S-Stay away f-from Ethan?!" I burst out laughing, clenching my stomach. "Ah, you're truly funny, Crystal. I mean- aha- I knew you still liked Ethan but damn... you guys broke up last year." I say wiping away a stray tear.

She slams her fist on the desk, "See you know, Ethan and I are dating now", she says with an evil smile plastered across her perfect face.

My face goes pale. I'm shocked, I can't even speak. "Yeah, stay away from him or els-", I cut her off, "Or else what?" I ask raising a brow, challengingly, probably causing ugly wrinkles above my head.

She stared at me blankly, I'm assuming trying to come up with an answer. I smirk at her, and she smirks back, like she had a brilliant idea. "Just stay away", she says walking away sitting in her seat, and the bell rings.

I cringe at the loud noise. They should probably lower the noise, I mean we all did just wake up. I look at Crystal, and shes staring straight forward at the board, with a smile on her face like she just won our argument.

I can't believe Ethan, he just dates her like that? I thought he hated her? Then again, I never asked him. I mean it is his ex-girlfriend but out of every girl in the school he chooses her?! I pray she is lying.

The teacher walks in, sitting at her desk, that makes a squeaky noise. That chair is probably 10,000+ years old. I raise my hand before class even starts, and she looks at me before sighing.

"Yes, Weston?" she asked. "Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask. "N-" I cut her off before she could answer, "Thanks."
I walk out of the room, and she doesn't say anything.

I don't even know we're I'm going, honesty. I walk towards the back doors of the school, going to the football field. I might get detention but whatever.

I walk to the metal bleachers, and sit down at the very top. I look at the fresh cut football field. A class for Gym is out here.

I put my hands on my face, and sigh.

I think about what Crystal said and pretty sure she is lying but who knows anymore. After a while of thinking, I ran back inside the big back doors of the school. And soon as I walk in, I see my boy Ethan walking out of the bathroom. He's looks at me as I walk up to him.

"When were you gonna tell me?" I ask Ethan, preferring to his girlfriend. He looked at me, and his eyebrows narrowed together in confusion "What are you talking about?" he asked.

"Your girlfriend?" I say. His face is red, and he stays quite before answering. "We just started dating", he says putting his hands in his pockets.

"Well, I was sleeping in your bed last night, kissing you but you didn't want to tell me you have a girlfriend?" I ask kind of angry because I was kissing him. Who knows how long he's been with Crystal. She probably has herpes, it's also wrong to cheat, exactly what Ethan was doing.

The thought of that literally makes me cringe. Ethan looks at me, "I got to get to class," he says.

He tries to walk away but I grab his wrists. "No, you can't fucking use a girl like that. You blame your dad for cheating on your mother but you turn around and do the same exact thing?"

I was angry right now, I wanted to cry because not only was he dating my enemy, he was kind of using me. Or maybe he was using her. Why is he shutting me out?!

"I'm going home," I interrupt, walking away.

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