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Vote if you have fingers

Last updated : Nov 26, 2k17.



I walk into Ethan's house but there was barley any noise. "Ethan!",  I yell again but all I hear is silence, which was very odd. I start look everywhere but I don't see any one.

I eventually pick up my phone and call Ethan, which as always he answers me.

"Buddy the elf what's your favorite color?" Ethan asked.

I chuckled softly "Purple, where you at bro?"

He replied, "We're in the backyard. Me, my mom, Grayson and... Dad.."

began to walk to the back door.

"Okay" I said and hung up.

I opened the back door and seen his family. I wonder if Sean and Lisa are back together? Hmm, interesting.

I plastered a weak smile on my face, waving at them like everything was completely okay. "Hey sweetie", Lisa says getting up to hug me. I hug her back, "Hey Lisa."

She smiles and sits back down beside Sean and I look at Ethan who is looking at the fire with a straight face. He looks so mad but concentrated. He was wearing a snapback and a tank top. He looked hot right now- well extremely hot. Scratch that, he looks cute all the time.

"Why is there a slap mark on your cheek?" Sean speaks up and everyone is now looking at me. Shit, did my mom slap me that hard?

"N-Nothing" I say sitting beside Ethan who is staring at me.

"I thought you and Ethan were going to the movies tonight?" Lisa questions. I look at Ethan and he looks at his mom , "Were not going, something popped up." He looks at his marshmallow that's on fire.

Grayson looks at me but doesn't say a thing, why are him and Ethan suddenly getting quite? "Help yourself" Lisa says, gesturing towards the unhealthy food.

I shook my head "I'm not really hungry, although thank you for letting me stay tonight" I say. She smiles but Grayson speaks up, "You're eating, you probably haven't ate since lunch. Do you want a hotdog or s'more?" he asked me, still serious though.

"Do I have to pick?" I ask, tilting my head, and he nods. I sigh,"s'more? No, if I'm gonna eat I'll make myself one." Grayson shrugs, "Okay."

I lean over Ethan to grab a marshmallow and he tickles my stomach "E-Ethan stop it before I fall into the fire" I say laughing. He smirks and I get off him getting my marshmallow ready to put on the stick.

I look at Ethan. "Ethan come with me" I say and he puts the last bit of his marshmallow together. "Why?" he whines throwing his head back, making him look ten times more attractive.

He looks at me smirking, and sees I was staring at him: I felt like I could feel his ego get bigger. "Because I want to... get more Hershey's from the kitchen", I say dishonesty. He chuckles "We have Hershey's..." he says staring at me.

Fuck you, Ethan. He still was acting different from what he usually does. "Just come!" I groan and all of them chuckle. Ethan gets up and follows me inside the house.

We get into he kitchen and I look at him "Why are you and Gray acting weird?" I ask him curiously. He stays quite for a second before answering "Mom and Dad got back together" he sighs. I don't get how it isn't a good thing, his parents got back together.

"I'm just mad at my dad for cheating on ma like that" he says. I nod and his him for no reason. He smells like vanilla cologne, which smells great.

"Um, let me see your cheek" he says lifting up my chin with his index finger. I look at his eyes and he moves my head and sees the hand print.

"You okay babe?" he asked me and I looked back at him. I nod and smile "I'm fine" I lie. He sighs and pokes it lightly "Does it hurt?" he ask me softly.

I shake my head "No" I replied only half lying. "My mom is the one who did this" I pointed at my face. He sighed "poor girl." He looks at my eyes and back at my lips again and I do the same to tease this mother fucker back.

He leans in making his lips centimeters from mine. "Hey um are you guys gonna bring the h-" we got interrupted by Lisa and we back way fast. Hoping she didn't see anything but I'm pretty sure she did and that's why she cut herself off.

Great. Another parent thats on our back.

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