Koeun was shocked to see this side of Mark. He almost never gets mad and she has never seen him this angry before. She couldn't understand why though. It's not like it's HIS back that's in pain.

Koeun:"Why are you so mad? It's not like YOUR back is in pain" she complained as she was fed up with the way Mark was throwing shade to her.
Mark: "If what I just said doesn't make any sense to you... then I don't know what will" he squatted back down again to work on the fire.
Koeun: "Fine!" she pouted as she walked her way back to the tree stump that she sat on earlier.
Mark: "I'm gonna go help them grab some twigs. Be right back" he told her as he ran up the little hill to the other side of the river bank.

Koeun looked at the fire that Mark has been prepping and noticed that he had it all set up. Not satisfied that she was just sitting while everyone was working hard to get things ready, she eyed the fishing rod and decided she would get a head start on fishing for their dinner meal first. She forced herself to get up and walked over to the North side of the river as she remembered hearing the camp leader tell them that the North side had the most fishes.

After a few minutes, Mark along with Jaemin and Hina came back to the fire place with a bunch of twigs- ready to complete the fire. As Hina dropped her pile, she noticed Koeun was no where to be found.

Hina: "Koeun-unnie?" she called out for her.
Jaemin: "Mark-hyung, where did Koeun-noona go?"
Mark: "She was sitting here when I came after you guys..." he dropped his pile of twigs before looking around.
Hina: "I'm gonna go look for her this way" she pointed South of the river.
Jaemin: "I'll go this way" he started walking back up the hill "Who knows, maybe she followed us over there but went the other direction instead" he told them.
Mark: "Alright, I'll go South. Try not to get lost guys. Mark your trees" he instructed them to use their spray paint cans.

They all split ways and went on to find Koeun. Mark, who couldn't help but wonder where she could've gone, started to worry in case she had ran back to camp instead but he was eager to look for her.

It started getting darker. Mark read his watch and it was already 6:58pm. He felt like he was to blame. Even if Koeun couldn't do much due to her current condition, the least he could've done was not leave her alone at the fire place. As he climbed down the steep hill, he saw something that caught his eyes- one of his team's red wristband. Right there, he knew that Koeun had come this way.

Mark: "Koeun-ah!!" he called for her but no response was heard from her. As he finally reached the red wristband, he picked it up and looked around in case Koeun was somewhere close by. "Eun-ah!!" he called again.

The hill was so steep, he was afraid that with Koeun in that kind of condition- that she may have fallen somewhere so he slowly made way down the hill. As he got closer to ground level, he saw another item that looked familiar. He picked up a hair tie and remembered how earlier, Koeun had borrowed it from Hina to tie up her hair due to the humid air.

He heard water nearby. Scared that she may have gone to the river, he ran as fast as he could to the river side where he found nothing there but silence again. The sun was slowly going down as they all continued to look for her.

Soon, the sun the set and Mark looked at his watch once again. It was already 8:24pm. He didn't know if the others went back to the fire place already or not. Then he remembered about the walkie talkies that the camp leader had given each one of them earlier. He used it to call the others but the sound was too scratchy to actually hear anything.

** (( Back at the fire place )) **

Koeun realized none of the members had returned to their fire post yet. She looked at her watch and it was already 8:24pm. Why aren't they back yet? she wondered. After a few hours down at the river side North, she failed to catch any fishes. Her elbow was still bleeding after she had accidentally stumbled down the steep hill earlier. But after taking the fall, she no longer felt the pain that was bugging her all day long. As she looked to her left, she saw the piles of twigs. So... they DID come back? But where are they? she asked herself.

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