Going to Tokyo

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Beth's POV.

It has been almost 3 days since Gisele and Han left. They have been running the racing scene there in Tokyo.

It was 5 in the morning when the phone rang. I thought my dad was gonna kill whoever was on the other line.

He came into my room and saw I was already up. He had tears in his eyes.

"I guess we shoulda went with that sick feeling in our stomachs." He said quietly.

"Are they dead?" I asked.

"Yeah. Do you wanna go to Tokyo with me and bring them home?"

"Yes, lets go."

I got ready and we left without telling anyone just left a note.

          'Dear Family,

Beth and I left to bring Han and Gisele home.
                      Dom and Beth'

We boarded the plane and headed to Tokyo. When we got there we met us with a racer. He gave us the car keys, and a necklace.

Dad put the necklace around my neck and told me to keep it on no matter what.

We got the bodies on the plane and when we landed back in LA, our family was waiting for us.

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