"Sonhyo.. are you listening to me?"

"Please tell me where you are.."



"Sehun.. help me please.."

He heard a whispers calling his name as he instantly open his eyes. The voice was so soft and small but he can still hear it and know it was her voice.

His chest suddenly hurt as he heard another whispers that speaks directly to his ears.

"Help me please.."

He open his eyes and feeling someone is touching his shoulder.

He saw V was looking at him with a smirk.

"She will die Sehun.. you don't have to hurt yourself for her." He said. Sehun just shook his head but he can feel his chest are more tight and painful.

"Your heart.. It look in pain." he said again while his hand was moving to his chest and pointed to his heart area.

"Let her go. You will only kill yourself, Sehun." Once again Sehun shook his head but his chest get tighter and his heart ache.

"Why aren't you listening to me? Why aren't you understand me? The more you fight. The more pain you felt."

"Just let her go and the pain will go."

"No! You can take my heart, You can take my soul, You can take my life but not hers!" Sehun yelled, the alley was dark and lonely, so no one is watching.

He gasped in pain as he knees down. While rubbing his chest that is still in pain.

"Are you sure?! U want me to take your life? Sure.. I can do it now.." V knees down while facing Sehun.

"Stupid human like you never understand how precious life was." "You are just gonna sacrifice your life for someone who will be dead because her fate wrote that way.."

"I will die with her.. Now please,I know you know where she was.. Please tell me.." Sehun said with a tired tone. He was so tired fight with his pain.

"Why would I?! She will die that way I guess. I will let that girl becomes killer if that's what she wish for.."

"V please..I know you. I know your job. I know you well.. Please I know you won't let this happened.. Please V.. I'm begging." Sehun said.

"HYUNG!!" Sehun heard a voice call he and the voice was from Yugyeom. He finally broke down and collapsed. But luckily, Yugyeom was there and his back lay on his lap.

"Hyung?!! Are you okay?! Hyung answer me please!!" Yugyeom asked while lightly slapping his cheek.

"Omg.. what happened to him?!" Hyuna said in surprised after she saw Sehun was unconscious. "I don't know.. I saw he was falling so I caught him."

"Let's get him in car first." Jongdae said as he help to carried Sehun with Hyuna's help.

Four of them get in car as Jongdae start to drove the car fast.

"What should we do now? Should we send him to hospital first or continue looked for Sonhyo?" Jongdae asked while he look on the mirror at Sehun.

"Let's send him to hospital first then--" Hyuna was trailed off when Sehun suddenly speak.

I CAN SEE YOU || SEHUN FANFIC (COMPLETED) ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum