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She need to die now.. If only that stupid guy wasn't there!! I must do something before that kid awake. She's gonna ruin everything that I've planned..

I have to kill her Tonight!!


"Sonhyo.." a voice slowly approach her from her dream. She turned to her right and it was Sehun with his sweet smile to her. She smiled as return.

"I heard that your father will visit you today. You must be missing him so much." Sehun said while caressing Sonhyo's hand. She just nodded then someone entered the room.

Both of them turn to the person and it was Yugyeom and Jongdae entering with some food on their hand.

Yugyeom smile to Sehun as he pass him the paper bag that he's holding.

"Here is your breakfast hyung.. You must be tired,just have some rest, Let me and Jongdae hyung take care of Sonhyo today." Yugyeom said, walking towards Sonhyo's bed then kiss her forehead.

I look at three of them.

You all gonna miss Sonhyo so much. Aren't you?

"You cannot leave yet. They still needed you here.."

"KIM JONGDAE!!" the silent break when a loud yelled suddenly come from the person who enter the ward. We sighed.

Yeah.. It's Hyuna again.

Jongdae look at her shocked, wanted to pull her out but she refused to move.

"What are you doing here?!!! You're supposed to follow me pick up our father at airport!! You make me wait almost 3 hours alone and you're here, relaxing and visiting this troublesome!!!" Her voice getting louder.

"NOONA!!!!! WATCH YOUR MOUTH ALREADY!!" Yugyeom yelled with his fist, holding back his anger.

Hyuna smirked.

She push Jongdae aside then walk to Yugyeom. Both of them look at each others in eyes. Jongdae and Sehun doesn't want to interrupt and just watching the scene.

"Hey Kid! How dare you yelled at me?!! WHERE IS YOUR RESPECT?!!!" Hyuna's voice getting louder. She keep pushing Yugyeom but Yugyeom didn't do anything and just let her be because he doesn't want to fight at the hospital, especially with Sonhyo's condition now.

"WHEN I ASK, YOU ANSWER ME!!" Hyuna yelled again and push Yugyeom till his back hit the wall hard.

"Are you become rude to me because of this stupid ?" Hyuna said with smirk while pointing at Sonhyo who's lying on the bed unconscious.

Yugyeom let out a heavy sigh.

"Noona for last time I beg you, please watch your mouth and lowered your voice, we are at the hospital." Yugyeom beg with his sad eyes looking at Hyuna right in her eyes.

"This girl should just die and stop troubling people!" Hyuna get mad then walk to Sonhyo's bed, roughly she pull away the respirator from Sonhyo.

I CAN SEE YOU || SEHUN FANFIC (COMPLETED) ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin