Secrets Kept under Lock and Lee

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The snow settled during the night, the blinding white sat upon the ground. Marshall nuzzled Gumball's stomach as he slowly woke up, the sun was cautiously hidden behind the closed curtains. "Wake up, Bubba-Gum." He said sleepily, kissing his prince's navel. Gumball was roused awake by the contact and looked down at his king, and he did the same. "Morning, Gummy." Marshall smirked, sitting up, then stretched and yawned. Part of his fit stomach was exposed as he raised his arms above his head; Gumball couldn’t help but take it all in, in one glance. Marshall stood up, as did his prince, and they locked lips. Gumball relaxed his lips, allowing his king’s tongue to enter. It did what it pleased, but the prince had no argument on what it did inside his mouth so long as it gave him pleasure. Marshall leaned back and looked into Gumball’s eyes, smirking. “Let’s face the facts, I stink.” He said and grinned, showing his handsome smile. “I’m going to grab a shower, you feel free to search around the kitchen for food...” The vampire pecked Gumball’s cheek and flew upstairs.

Marshall’s house was quiet, except for the sound of running water from his shower. Gumball waltzed into the kitchen he hadn’t explored much the night before. The shelves were stocked with instant ramen and red foods, seemed like him. Gumball opened the fridge, a half empty fridge, though a few eggs in a carton sat on the top shelf. An omelet, the prince thought to himself as he gathered the eggs and various meats he found. He set them on the counter and ventured for a pan, he could faintly hear Marshall singing. Gumball never understood how showers brought out the urge to sing, it never made sense, but the sound of his voice made him feel that much more alive. The prince turned on the stove and began to chop up the ingredients he would add to the egg mixture, excited to surprise his host with breakfast.

Hot water poured over Marshall, he sighed with relief. He felt amazing, and healthy. If Gumball hadn't been there he would've been sick, definitely. "Gumball..." Marshall said aloud to himself, "Prince, chef, scientist, nurse..." He smiled, proud of his Gummy's achievements. Though he had none to show for himself, nothing for his prince to congratulate him on. Marshall dried his hair with a towel and put on a pair of boxers, then the scent hit him. Eggs, meats, vegetables... The smell floated through the house. He had never dressed and ran downstairs so quickly. "Shit, Gumball." Marshall grinned, as his prince handed him a plate, "You need to cook for me more often." The plate was warm, as he took it, and the smells rising from the omelette drove his senses wild. Gumball smiled, flattered. Marshall looked so happy eating the food he made, there was not a single regret in the prince's head. None except one.

Peppermint Maid ran franticly around the castle, the Banana Guards came from every direction. "He's not in his room." "The kitchen is empty, ma'am." "Lord Monochromicorn hasn't seen him either." They all spoke at once, driving her insane. "You four," Pepper shouted in the calmest way possible, "Search the kingdom!" She turned to the remaining guards. "And you, go get me Fionna!" They nodded, and left the castle with the rest of the pack. With the prince missing, she thought, panic will rise. She could already feel the anxiety building up inside of her.

Peppermint Maid ordered around the staff, blowing off stress, the only way she knew. "Peppermint Maid?" Fionna's shrill voice rang through the halls, becoming louder with every step. Cake was trailing behind her. "We heard PG's gone, any ideas where he's gone?" Pepper simply shook her head, but Fionna just grinned. "Marshall would know, right Cake?" Her one-tack mind to see Marshall bothered Pepper, but the human girl had a point. He may know the location of their prince.

It was around three in the afternoon as Fionna rode Cake towards Marshall's cave. She wasn't thinking of Gumball, she was thinking of different seduction techniques. "PG couldn't have been prince-napped, right?" Cake said, then gasped. "C'mon, Fi! Ice Queen would've done the crime!" The cat looked over at her human friend, proud of what she had thought of, but Fionna simply shook her head. Gumball's absence wasn't of any importance to her.

Gumball sat on the couch, his arms wrapped around Marshall, as they kissed in the silence. It was had been a lazy morning followed by an equally lazy afternoon, and the two loved every moment of each other's company. The king was in no rush to force another feeding, he could wait. The relaxing atmosphere could only be broken by one thing, a bathroom break. "I'll be right back, Marshall." The prince said dreamily, and gave one last passionate kiss to his king, then ventured upstairs towards the toilet. Gumball made me happy, Marshall thought to himself, he makes me feel complete...

Sound erupted from the door, a loud banging, making the vampire jump to his feet and run over. "Alright! Alright..." He said, opening the door and almost getting beat in the face by... Fionna's fist.

"Marshy!" She bellowed, pouncing on him. Fionna smashed her lips against his mouth, sending him to the floor under her weight. "Fi!" Cake hissed, prying her away from Marshall. "Priorities, girl!" Even as her paws held Fionna away from him, Marshall could still feel her nails digging into his skin. "Get out of here!" The king shrieked at her, in the most manly way he could, and scooted away from the girl in front of him. "No time, Marshall, Gumball's missin'!" Cake ran up towards him, shaking him violently. The look of panic in her fact lived no where near Fionna's, making Marshall's blood boil. But... no, Gumball wasn't missing. He was just upstairs. "Cake, he's--" The truth came like the snap of a twig, suddenly he resized it. "I'll take care of if, tell whoever it concerns I've got it under control." He said, nodding. "Are you sure?" Fionna asked, pleading for more reasons to stay, but there was no way the king would hand out any. "Goodbye, Fionna." Marshall spat out, and stood up. He felt filthy, though he showered only hours ago, as he walked over and whipped open the door. As the two adventurers set out, Gumball walked out of the kitchen.

"We-- You have visitors, Marshall Lee?" Gumball asked, politely. Goddamn, why did he always have to do this, Marshall thought. Fionna turned and stared. "Cake, there he is! Glob, PG, we all thought we'd lost you!" And she started again. Back inside the house she was almost out of, and on Marshall's property. Not his land, no, but his prince. Hugging him, her filthy hands holding his body against hers. "Are you okay, did he hurt you honey?" Cake asked, rushing over. The fact that she had pinned the blame on him did not bother Marshall, for his anger was still placed directly on Fionna. "I'm fine, thank you... Marshall did nothing wrong, he..." Gumball started, but paused. He didn't know what to say, nor how to hide. "I was taking a walk and... the snow started... A-And his house was the closest shelter I could get!" The prince stuttered and plastered a fake smile on his face, beads of sweat on his forehead. "N-Now, tell Pepper I'll be home for supper, I'm going to return the favour to Marshall Lee..." Gumball began to usher them out, nodding and laughing awkwardly. Fionna turned and looked at him, straight in the eyes. She was silent, staring and squinting. "See you, Gumball." The human said, then walked out and left.

"That was close..." Gumball panted as he shut the door, looking relieved that the girls had left. But Marshall stood and stared at him. "You didn't let them know you were leaving." He said, his tone was calm, but unnerving. Marshall's face held no emotion, it almost scared him. "Marshall, please..." Gumball whispered, he could feel tears coming from his eyes. Not from fear, not from guilt, but from feeling like he may have hurt his king. "No one can know about this... about us..."

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