Safe and Soundly Sleeping

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The silenced answering machine sat, still holding Fionna's message. Marshall's stomach churned with anxiety. His hand shook as he reached over to delete the missed call, almost sure he was about to throw up. The run to his washroom came almost as fast as the message was deleted, and he nervously emptied the contents of his stomach into the toilet.

The human girl wouldn't let go of the vampire easily, what could he say, his charming good looks always hooked the ladies.

Cake marched inside the candy castle, whistling as she waved at Pepper. "Morning, hon!" The maid bowed, and continued carting around the laundry. The magic cat walked upstairs, searching for her love Lord Monochromicorn. Gumball hummed quite gleefully as he cleaned around his room as Cake peered in. "Hey sugar!" She cheered, walking inside. The prince turned around and waved, the girlfriend of his best friend was a friend to him! "Hello Cake! Lord Monochromicorn is just in the garden, is that what brings you?" Naturally, she nodded, the two were inseparable. She peered around, the prince was always so clean, Fionna could learn a thing or two. "Isn't that Marshall's bass?" Cake mentioned, pointing to the axe resting by the window.

Crap! Gumball thought, his king must have forgotten it last night. "Well, yes, uhm..." Excuses, excuses... the one thing the honest prince was bad at thinking up. "He was... lending it to me... so I could learn to play!" Gumball could almost see the lies wafting through the air, but the cat's sneaky eyes couldn't. "Really? Could you play me some?" Shit.

Cake sat and smiled as Gumball regretfully picked up the axe bass, he was only familure with cooking instruments. The prince smiled nervously as he felt the strings with his fingers. Marshall's swift fingers moved so quickly across them, the cat didn't seem like she had anywhere to go even though her boyfriend was probably waiting for her presence. A piano would've been easier to attempt to play, oh why couldn't Marshall carry around a keyboard at night. Perhaps some strumming would send her off, Gumball thought as he pressed hard against a string. Dragging his thumb along the strings, a sort of soothing sound came out, it reminded him of his king... The prince set the bass aside, there was a time and place for everything. "Cake, Lord will be waiting." Her ears perked up, did she honestly forget the whole reason of coming here? She smiled and ran out the door to the one she awaited.

The phone rang in the candy castle, making Gumball squeak from the sudden noise. He bolted straight for it, tripping over various objects.

"H-Hello?" He spat out with pain, he had the wind knocked out of him by the corner of his table. "Afternoon, Bubba-Gum."

Marshall's voice sounded dry and raspy, but still so sweet into his prince's ear. "Yes, Marshall Lee?" Gumball said, trying to push away his excitement. His hopes were building up, he was eager to see his king once again. "My ghostie friends lent me a movie, you wanna come over and watch it? It's got a warning on the front for people with extreme night terrors." Marshall said snickering, well knowing his prince's interests in movies, but he so wanted to wrap his arms around his candy bae as he trembled in fear. Gumball could already feel the horror rising up in him, he only watched movies with talking animals. "I dunno, Marshall..." He started, rubbing the back of his still pale neck. The king could hear the conflicted tone in his prince's voice, he obviously didn't want to watch the movie. "It's alright, Gumball, maybe some other time." He said, disappointed. Unable to talk anymore, the vampire hung up leaving Gumball once again.

The sky faded into the night as Marshall lied across his couch, images created in his mind of his arms around his Gumball. He blushed, and felt a lonely feeling inside. It hurt... like someone just kicked him in the stomach. His prince was probably at home, eating. Marshall stopped, he hadn't eaten since he threw up that morning. The hunger rose in him like hot bread, the thought made his mouth water. Hell, he could treat himself tonight. Marshall grabbed his wallet and slid it into his back pocket as he imagined a plate full of various foods.

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