Chapter #9 Broken Hearts

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My breathing became staggered because of the harsh realization that was overcoming me. Stacy was dead.

She laid on her bed, chest and stomach ripped open and stabbed repeatedly. Blood soaked her bedsheets and was splattered on the floor and walls. Stacy's face looked pained and sad, like she died begging for something. It didn't look like she'd been screaming.

But I did. I let out a loud shriek of fear and extreme sadness. Collapsing to my knees I began to sob violently, my tears fell into the scattered pools of Stacy's blood, mixing with it. In my chest I could feel my heart hurt. This was it, this was what extreme heartbreak felt like.

    "NOOO!!!! STACY NO!!! WHY?!" I cried loudly, choking back tears.

My hands became soaked with tears and I had to take off my glasses from the amount of them on the lenses. As I did I tried my best to dry my eyes, but the tears kept falling. This was too much. She was best friend....

As I kept trying to clear my eyes, I heard a faint beeping noise in between my sniffles. I looked to see my laptop open, sitting on my desk by the open window. The screen was on and it was blinking with an icon I didn't recognize. Walking over to it, I wiped my hands on my clothes before touching the keyboard.

The icon was a little film role and a play button. Under the icon were the words: 'Play Video File'. Confused, I clicked on it. What video?

Seconds later, the video came up on my screen. It was showing the room, and Stacy was sitting on her bed reading a book, alive.....

This is all that was showed for about a minute, until the bedroom door suddenly slammed closed, making Stacy jump out of her skin. She looked at the door and then to the open window, where a breeze was filtering in, and shrugged her shoulders, thinking that it was the wind that had done it.

But it wasn't....

Seconds later, her book was yanked from her hands by some invisible force and thrown across the room. Stacy's face was a mix of confusion, fear and aggression as she eyed the book on the floor. She made an attempt to go and pick it up, only to be pushed against the wall by the same force. Whatever it was must've been pressing on her neck, because that is where she gripped at while gasping for air.

And that's when her and I both heard it. The voice of the force.

    "Hello Stacy. How nice to finally meet you." Cooper greeted.

    "What the hell?! What are you?! Who are you?!" Stacy griped.

    "Hehehe....Me? Oh I'm nobody....just your casual campus ghost." Cooper replied darkly.

    "Ghost? You.....You're Cooper....Sheena's boyfriend...." Stacy guessed.

     "Very good Stacy. How smart you are. It's a shame that your clever brains will have to be splattered all over the walls...." Cooper blurted.

Stacy's eyes widened with a wild look.
    "What?! What the hell are you talking about?!" She demanded to know.

    "Oh Stacy, I don't think I have to spell it out for you. But I guess I will. I'm not going to let you get in the way of mine and Sheena's relationship. You telling her that I'm a bad influence on her and that she should stay away from me." Cooper raged.

    "Well you weren't exactly putting her in a great situation. I just didn't want to see her get hurt or killed! It's bad enough that there's a killer on the loose!" Stacy spat.

    "She wouldn't of been killed by the murderer, I can assure you that." Cooper delcared.

    "And just how do you know tha-....." Stacy started to rant, but stopped as a horrible realization hit her.          
    "....You....It's you! You're the killer! That's why she wouldn't get hurt! It's because you're the one who's killing everybody!" She accused.

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