Chapter #5 A Killer Party

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That night, the girls dorm held a small ceremony for Chelsea out in front of the dorm. Amber and Tori had made a small poster filled with pictures of Chelsea and had written some of her favorite things around the pictures.

All of the girls from the dorm placed lit candles in front of the poster to signify their respect for her. Even Stacy, Kate and I placed candles down for her.

As I put mine down, Amber and Tori offered me weak smiles.

    "Thank you Sheena. I can understand that it's probably pretty hard for you to show your respect for Chelsea after what she did to you. But thank you." Amber spoke.

    "It's nothing. I'm just shocked that this happened. One minute she was here and the next, not. It kind of sucks that the last experience I had with her was getting beaten up by her." I stated.

    "We're really sorry. But, thank you again." Tori said.

I only nodded and continued on my way back into the dorm where the girls were resuming their everyday lives. Half of them were getting ready to go to a party, seeming totally unfazed by the whole 'murderer' thing.

Stacy was one of them, putting on a little blue dress and makeup for another Alpha Beta party. I stood in the doorway of our dorm room and gave her the look.

    "What?" She asked.

    "You really think going to a party tonight is a good idea? With the whole murderer thing going on?" I questioned.

    "I think it's a great idea. A murderer can't kill all one hundred plus people at a party. Plus, maybe if you came with me we could do the walk home with a buddy thing? Pleeeeease Sheena!" Stacy begged.

I had to admit, she had a point. God I hated when she was right. I sighed and leaned against the door frame.

    "Well what would I wear?" I inquired now.

    "I'm glad you asked! I've been saving an outfit in my wardorbe just for you!" Stacy squealed with delight.

Going over to her dresser, Stacy pulled out a pretty pink crop top and a little black skirt. She tossed the outfit to me.

    "Why is this the outfit you've been saving for me?" I wondered, examining it.

    "Because you look nice in pink! And I've yet to see you wear something that isn't 110% conservative, so tonight you go slutty!" Stacy declared.

Without another word, Stacy turned around to let me change. I guess I didn't have a choice, so I slipped out of my hoodie and jeans and put on the outfit she had given me. Adjusting my boobs in the top I gave Stacy the ok to turn around. Her eyes lit up like fucking Christmas and she squealed in delight.

    "You look perfect! Well almost, just one finishing touch!" She smiled and grabbed a tube of baby pink lipstick from her makeup supplies.

After puting some on my mouth she told me to rub my lips together and I'd be set.

    "Now you're ready!" Stacy cheered.

She then pulled me out of the room and out of the dorm towards the Alpha Beta house. Through the lit up campus and past other students on their way to the party. Stacy was laughing and smiling the whole way there, I guess she was pretty happy that I had decided to go with her.

We made it to the party now. A two story house already thumping with loud music and cheers of many students. There were several colors of lights dancing in the windows of the downstairs and the upstairs was dark.

Upon entering the house, a mixture of smells hit my nose. The main smell being alcohol, but it had hints of perfume, body odor and maybe even throw up in it.

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