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I was walking down the hallways of Embringham High school and hated the feeling being in a school again. All the memories that flooded through as i walked down the hallway towards my classroom came bashing in at full speed. 

I was to focused on walking towards the class room that i didnt realise i had bumped into a wall and all the papers i was holding went tumbling to the floor.

"Damn again really" i sighed and went on my knees and started picking up the papers.I was reaching for the farthest paper when i grasped the paper in my hand someones hand went over mine, I looked up to the most prettiest brown eyes i have ever seen. They weren't like all the other eyes i've seen they were  just so captivating such a deep shade of brown. 

I heard wolf whistles from behind be and someone slapped my behind and walked off. Did i mention i was wearing a skirt stupid me why on my first day at a new school  did i decide to wear a skirt, that's right heard of dressing to impress. Well anyway i flashed my panties to a bunch of people i  dont know wow jus my luck right lucky i wore my lace bra and panty set instead of my granny ones big save there.

The guy with the "captivating eyes" cleared his throat. " uh.... Well... i think this is yours???" he said looking a little uneasy then someone called his name and he ran off.Once he left i started making my way towards wherever i thought the class room was my scheduel read E145 okay E145thats easy to remember right? ... E145....E145. I was focusing so hard on the room i bumbed into something hard, to soft to be a wall but still hard and within seconds my books and the papers i just picked up minutes ago crashed to the floor yet once again. I know im a very clumsy person but its just me. I looked at the person to see who i bumped into a my jaw dropped. It was the same guy who picked up the paper just moments ago,but he looked different sexier he had dark brown hair to suite his dark captivating eyes and he was built pretty good he was wearing denim jeans that hung just below his waist and a also a loose hanging top that showed off his muscles.Before i knew it he started to pick up all my papers and books. "Here you go i think you dropped these" he said and handed me the things i dropped." Thanks ... uh.. "Cameron" he said and held his hand out. I took his hand and shook it " Ariel my names Ariel" i said and then just on cue the bell went. "Great" i muttered and started to walk away from Cameron. " So Ariel where are you heading" Cameron said walking along side of me. " I .. ah .. going ... E145 English" stupid me cant even speak properly in front of him. "Really oh well im heading that way i can drop you off  if you like" he said looking at me intently. " I would like that alot" i said as a little blush appeared. " CAMMY" a whineey high pitched voice said from behind me. "Hey brigeet" he greeted her with a kiss on the lips. "Who is she?" Brigeet said glaring at me before Cameron said an answer i walked away. By the looks of it Brigeet and Cameron they were the "Popular Crowd" the crowd i always avoided. Its not that im ugly ot nerdy. People actually complemented me on how pretty i was, i had long dark brown hair that just went over my breasts and dark green eyes. I had curves that girls would die for but was modest about them. My mum was a fashion designer and designed most of my clothes.

I was looking like a lost sheep looking around trying to find this for gods saken English class. Finally i spotted the english classroom just across from where i was standing when freezing cold water splashed me across the face. "Stay away from Cameron okay and this is just a warning" brigeet the bitch from hell said then walked off with her following possy. 

GREAT, just perfect found my class then this  happens. JUST MY LUCK...

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