Chapter Thirteen

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Jack's Point of View:

I couldn't help it. I was in love with Rapunzel all over again. Her beautiful face, her flawless hair (even if it is short now), her giggly laugh, her personality in general. I couldn't hold it in. I needed to hold her hand. I extended my hand to make it touch hers, but Rapunzel slipped her hand away.

"What are you doing, Jack?" she asked me.

"Well, we did this all the time while we were in the tower before, right?

"Yeah. That was more than 200 years ago!"

"So? We're still best friends? Right? Friends hold hands! Besides..." I paused. "I'm scared of this forest. I need to know that you're beside me."

I couldn't see under the shadow of the moon, but I swear that I saw Rapunzel's cheeks turn as red and bright as a tomato.

My head started to hurt, and all at once, I heard two unfamiliar voices talking in my head.

Maybe there's still a chance for us, one voice pushed.

Wait a minute. Don't you have Elsa? What about her? She would be heartbroken! Besides, you two are my OTP! Jelsa forever! said the other.

Yeah, but you've known Rapunzel for waaaay longer! You should try to win her heart. And for your information, JACKUNZEL FOR LYFE!

I couldn't hold it in. I screamed,


Rapunzel looked at me like she had just seen a ghost. 

"Is there something wrong, Jack?" she shook my shoulder.

"N-nothing, Rapunzie. Nothing at all." I forced a smile on my face.

Flynn walked in between Rapunzel and I.

"If you're scared of this forest, you're better off holding my hand. I'm stronger than Rapunzel is," he said, as he flexed his muscles.

"Show-off," I muttered under my breath.

Rapunzel brought out her frying pan. "AHEM. Eugene, did you forget that it was ME who showed you how to use a frying pan as a weapon?"

"Yeah, but―"

"And you call me weak? I don't think so!" Rapunzel looked ready to swing her frying pan. "Don't forget, Eugene Fitzherbert. I will use this."

Flynn stepped back. "Whoa, girl. Don't hit me with that! It hurts!"

I was quite befuddled.

"Wait... Your name is EUGENE???" I asked Flynn.

"Yeah. Didn't Rapunzel tell you? She calls me my real name whenever she's flirting with me." Flynn (or Eugene, I didn't know what to call him anymore...) winked at Rapunzel. I was instantly jealous.

 Again, I saw Eugene's eyes flicker the slightest shade of gold, and go back to normal again. 

I must be hallucinating, I thought. 

"Rapunzel! You shouldn't trust this guy," I warned her. "Let's go." I grabbed Rapunzel's wrist and noticed a shiny ring on her finger. I was taken aback.

"Why shouldn't I trust him? He's my boyfriend!" Rapunzel glared at me.

"LIAR!" I screamed. "He's MORE than your boyfriend! He's your fiancé! Am I correct, Mrs. Rapunzel Fitzherbert?!!"

"No. You're wrong, genius. He's my husband."

I stared hardly at Rapunzel. She stared back. My flashbacks from earlier came like a wave, crashing towards me, and it swallowed me into the middle of the ocean.

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