Chapter One

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There he was. A hooded young boy, with white hair and a troublemaker smile that no girl could resist. Snow would follow him everywhere he went; icicles would appear out of nowhere. It was him. The one and only Jack Frost.

Jack's Point of View

"Hi!" I said to a boy who was making a snowman.

He said nothing. I decided to throw a snowball on his leg.

The boy laughed and said, "Oh Connor. Was that you?" He pointed at the boy named Connor.

Connor looked confused and said, "What are you talking about, Travis?"

But Travis continued to throw snowballs on his face.

I watched the two of them have a big snowball fight. Man, did they both look EXACTLY the same. They both had the same troublemaker grin as I did. The only difference was that one was slightly taller and one was slightly shorter. I really can't tell who is who. If I were to guess, I'd say they were twins.

Wow, I thought. I wish I had a twin brother. That would be sooo much fun.

I kept walking and saw a bunch of warriors (or should I say teens?) I don't know exactly what I saw, but I sure didn't want to mess with them. They were all wearing armour and fighting with REAL weapons! I thought to myself, isn't that dangerous? But these kids looked fine, and it seemed like they did this every day.

There was this one boy who didn't seem to have any snow covering him whatsoever. He was wearing a tool belt. The boy was scrawny, but he had the same impish grin as I did whenever I would play a prank on someone or whenever I would make a joke.

Everywhere he walked, he would melt the snow. Is that even possible? To test my theory, I walked towards him.

Boy, did I feel hot. NOT like that. No girl would ever fall for me, the helpless, troublemaker Jack Frost. I meant I was literally burning up, as if fire was going through my spine.

"Leo!" A pretty girl called the scrawny, hot boy.

The girl was beautiful. Not like as in a "common white girl" kind of beautiful. This girl had natural beauty.

Uh oh. I saw a handsome, rugged-looking guy holding her hand. Drat. The girl already had a boyfriend. Oh well.

"Leo! Is the Argo II ready yet?" the handsome boy asked.

"Not yet, Jason. Geez, making a ship from a coloured drawing is a LOT harder than I thought it would be!"

So the handsome boy's name was Jason, I muttered to myself. And what the heck is the Argo II? What coloured drawing? I had no idea what the scrawny boy was talking about, so I kept walking.

I saw a girl with stormy eyes, sitting in a corner and crying. She was hot in an "I'm going to kill you if you don't shut up" way. Her blonde hair was dangling through her shoulders. She was looking at a picture. She was holding to it tightly, as if that picture was her life.

I went over and got a closer look. In the picture, I saw the girl with a boy. The boy had black hair with startling sea-green eyes. I just couldn't describe his eyes. They sparkled, well, kinda like the ocean would sparkle, if that makes any sense. The two of them were kissing underwater. Oh darn. Another hot girl with a boyfriend. Oh well.

"Percy, I miss you." the girl said, with tears in her eyes.

I wanted to reach out to her and just comfort her, but I already knew that no one can see me, so that was pretty much pointless. And besides, she had a boyfriend.

I kept walking until I saw... Wait. Is that a half man, half horse? I tried to grasp the word. Centaurs, I thought. How I knew that, I honestly didn't know. I guess it was because my mom would sometimes read me Greek Mythology bedtime stories when I was little, and some of them, well, stuck. But I still couldn't believe what I was seeing. The Greek stuff was REAL? So does that mean that there are GODS? And Zeus? Man, that God has too many kids. No, shut up. What is WRONG with you, Jack! Impossible. No way.

The centaur walked towards the girl with the stormy grey eyes and said, "Annabeth, the ship will be finished soon. Don't worry. You'll see Percy again."

The centaur stiffened, as if he missed Percy, too.

"Thanks, Chiron. I- sorry. I just miss my idiotic Seaweed Brain." Annabeth smiled, as if the memory of her "Seaweed Brain" made her happy.

"Well, Leo and the rest of Cabin 9 are doing their best to finish the ship. You'll see him soon," said Chiron.

"Yeah. I guess there's no point in crying. Sorry," replied Annabeth. She wiped her tears from her eyes and grabbed... Wait... Are those... blue pancakes?

"Chiron, would you like a blue pancake? It's Percy's favourite. Mrs. Jackson makes them so good." Annabeth asked, gesturing to the pancakes.

"It's alright, Annabeth. I'm not hungry," replied Chiron.

I decided the two of them needed their privacy.

Percy, I thought. Percy Jackson? Who is that kid? I kept walking until I reached the front of the place. I read aloud, "Camp Half Blood."

Wait. So... these kids are half bloods? Of what? I gathered everything I could. I never thought this was possible.

No. No way. Impossible. They're half bloods. Demigods. They're half god, half mortal. That's impossible. So does that mean that Zeus has MORE kids here? I shook my head at that ridiculous thought.

It was only then when I caught a beautiful girl staring at me. My mouth was wide open. I closed it. Oh god, I was probably drooling... Stop it, Jack. She probably has a boyfriend, too.

 But wait. How can she see me if no one else can? How is this even possible?

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