Chapter Two

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Elsa's Point of View

I was looking at a boy. He was wearing a hood, he had white hair (weird) and he looked kinda shocked. It was almost like he didn't expect me to see him.

"Hello?" I waved my hand in front of his face.

The boy stiffened. "Who- You're so pr- How are you- How can you see me?"

I replied in the most casual way that I could. "I have eyes, you idiot." I giggled.

The boy was cute. I couldn't help myself, ok? He looked cute when he was worried and helpless. No. Stop it, Elsa. You don't know this guy. This ridiculously hot guy. Stop it. It's not like he would ever like you, so just STOP. Fortunately, I was able to keep my cool.

"You're wearing a sweater. I mean, just a sweater. No jacket or anything," the boy noted.

"Well DUH! It's not even cold," I replied, rolling my eyes. How could this boy be so stupid?

"But it's like -20 degrees Celsius. How could you possibly be wearing just a sweater?" he asked.

"YOU'RE wearing just a sweater," I snapped back.

"No, but that's because-" the boy stopped talking.

I grinned. Girls ALWAYS win when it comes to arguments with boys. And besides, my friends didn't call me Little Miss Sassy-Pants for nothing. I snapped my hands in a z-formation and said, "Miss Sassy Pants strikes again!"

The boy looked puzzled. Oh my GODS he is sooo cute!

No, Elsa. Calm yourself. Finally, I breathed in.

"What's your name?" I asked the boy.

The boy stiffened. He looks sooo cute when he does that! hOLY cRAP sTAHP it!

"Jack. Jack Frost." He said, nervously.

Wow... Even his name is cute! Jack Frost. I love you! I shook my head. I'd better introduce myself, too.

"I'm Elsa," I said as casually as I could.

Jack blushed and turned away. Or, at least it looked like he was blushing. You never can tell when it comes to boys. Did he think I was cute? I shook my head. Shut up, Elsa. Boys do that ALL THE TIME! Suddenly, Jack turned around and shyly shook my hand. His hand felt so cold, but I didn't mind. My hands were pretty cold, too.

Jack looked at me suspiciously. "Are you a demigod?" he asked me.

I kept silence. I decided not to tell him anything just yet.

I shook my head. "I don't even know what a demigod is," I lied.

Jack seemed uncertain, but he looked like he believed me. Phew.

"So... Do you come here to Camp Half Blood often?" Jack asked me.

"Yeah. I have a few friends who-" I shut up. God how am so stupid?

"Who what?" he asked innocently. Oh. My. God. Jack looks sooo cute when he's innocent! He's like a cute fluffy panda bear who- oH crap I must have been blushing. I immediately stopped myself.

"I just have some friends there. That's all," I replied, as calmly as possible. I didn't have the nerves to tell him that Rachel Dare, the oracle, was my best friend. Also, someone from the Ares cabin was courting me. Aghhh why does life have to be so complicated?!! I noticed Jack was staring at me. I must have been scowling so much. I blushed. Gods, was I ever embarrassed.

Oh. My. Gods. He touched my face. I tried to keep my cool. Well, it's cold, so technically I am cool. (hehehe I'm so punny) but seriously. Jack Frost brought my face closer to his.

"Are you alright?" he asked me.

I was stunned. It looked like he was going to kiss me. Shut it, Elsa. He probably has a girlfriend. And besides, I barely know him. I only met him just now.

"I-uh... I'm fine," I stuttered. I took his hands away from my face and looked away. I knew I shouldn't have got my hopes up. It's ok. At least I have... other people.

"Are you sure?" Jack asked me. He's so cute. I sighed, looking directly into his dreamy eyes. "I'm fine," I said, as I immediately looked away.

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