Chapter Eight

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Elsa's Point of View

After what seemed like an hour of walking, I finally made it home. I was really hungry. (typical me)

I went to the kitchen and called out, "MOM!"

Oh yeah. I forgot. My mom is in Canada right now. She used to be so nice to me... Until, well... that evil monster Gaea turned her into— you know what? Why am I talking about my mom? It's not like— she'll ever come back. 

I started to make a Nutella sandwich. I wonder if Jack likes Nutella... I just really LOVE Nutella! It's my choice of food whenever I decide to read or have a movie marathon. I would always grab my stack of books, a whole box of tissues, Nutella, my iPod and my headphones. And then I'd start reading. I know? Crazy! But that's how us fangirls ROLL!

I bit into the first bite of my sandwich. Yum. It's SOOO good! NUTELLA is just amazing! I can eat a WHOLE JAR of Nutella in one sitting! I've done this before! Once, Matt dared me to—

I froze in mid-bite. Is that even possible? To freeze in mid-bite?

No, Elsa. You don't like Matt anymore. You like Jack. Matt is a jerk. But I couldn't help it. Matt— he has always been there for me in everything, and we weren't best friends for nothing. Shut up, Elsa! You have Jack, and he's all you will ever need. No, but I just met Jack a few hours ago! Oh my GODS. My brain is playing tricks on me again. It's really irritating.

I finished my Nutella sandwich. Great. No more bread, and no more Nutella. Well, it's time to eat tacos now. I grabbed a plastic bag full of Leo's tacos from the fridge. Rachel sent them to me. She said they tasted good, and she smuggled some to give them to me. I took a bite into one of the tacos. Yummy! I love Taco Bell, but THIS is just— wow! Leo Valdez is one awesome chef!

I grabbed the book, Allegiant, and began to read from where I had left off.

"Tris— WHY?!!" I cried out loud and threw the book to the wall. 

She— she... I was sobbing my eyes out. Before I knew it, all the tissues were gone from the box, and all of Leo's tacos were gone.

My eyes were more red than a tomato. ROTH YOU KILL ME! Now I remembered when Matt and I dared each other to read The Fault in out Stars and try not to cry. He lost— surprisingly. We were both sobbing our eyes out that day and— ELSA SHUT UP! STOP HAVING FLASHBACKS! Why is this happening to me? What's WRONG with me? Isn't Jack supposed to be "the one?"

Nutella is a drug. I swear to God that books and Nutella combined equal an unstable life. Allegiant just killed me, ok? So please, just let me cry. It's either that, or I've started to hallucinate.

Oh well. It's like, 4 PM, but I'm really tired. What should I do? I thought for a moment and turned on the TV. DOCTOR WHO IS ON YAY! I missed a bit of the episode, but I started watching.

"I will always remember when the Doctor was me," said Eleven, as I started to watch.

"Raggedy man, good night."

tHE fEELS aGHHH!!! Then, he just drops his tie... I'm crying so much right now... Eleven is REGENERATING NOOOOO! I loved him... Now he's regenerated and turned into an old man. 

Well. This is certainly a way to make my feels break EVEN MORE! I will always miss the Raggedy Man... I then suddenly remembered when Ten regenerated into Eleven. Ten was just amazing, I can tell you that. I didn't want him to change. But when I got to know Eleven more, boy was I glad he did. Maybe Eleven has changed into Twelve, but all of the doctors have been amazing. I starting crying at the thought of Ten and all the other last doctors. I was sobbing for hours until I noticed it was really late. Wow. Naturally, I went to bed.

I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Doctor Who, or Allegiant, or Nutella. But suddenly, I don't know how or when, I fell fast asleep.

I had a dream. It was a flashback.

It was my mom. She looked so beautiful. It was a few months ago, right after the Titan War ended. 

"Elsa," my mom cried.

"Mom! Where are you going?" I asked innocently.

"I need to go to Montréal, where my father and my two brothers live," she responded.

"Can I come?" I asked. 

Her face was stern. "No. Father does not know I bore a child. Boreas— he will do everything in his power to make your life miserable. If I bring you along, I guarantee that." she replied.

"But mom! Who will take care of me?" 

"You can take care of yourself. I taught you well, Elsa," she snapped. "You're thirteen, for Zeus' sake!" 

Thunder rumbled above the sky.

"But why do you have to leave?" I asked my mother.

"I must do Gaea's bidding. No one knows me as a Goddess anymore. I had to sacrifice SO MUCH just to take care of you, because your stupid mortal father had to die. She promises me that I can finally be recognized as an important goddess. Imagine it, Elsa. Khione— Goddess of Snow. Your mother, Khione, as one of the greatest and well-known goddesses of all time," she imagined.

"But mom! You're already an all-powerful goddess!" I snapped.

"No one knows about me! But when Gaia wins, she will reward me greatly," she replied, with a devilish kind of smile on her face.

"Well, I am a half blood. Can I at least stay at Camp Half—"

"NO! You can't!" she screamed. "Now stop asking these foolish questions! I must leave now to do master's bidding!" My mom disappeared into a pile of snow.

I woke up with a start in the middle of the night. I swear that I will do everything to get revenge on Gaea, for changing my mom. For ruining my life.

Tomorrow, I thought to myself. Tomorrow I march to Camp Half Blood. 

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